TOBY here...
Hello there every-furry buddy...
I hope you all have had a happy weekend.
Guess what?
I was "OR-DANED" yesterday!!!
Isn't that wonderful!?!
During last week, I was invited to take part in the annual
which is held to raise funds for Great Dane Rescue Association here in
Johannesburg, South Africa.
"Just Nuisance" is a very famous dog in our part of the world. He is so famous that a special statue was erected in his honour. This statue is in Simon's Town (near Cape Town). "Just Nuisance's" story is an incredible one!
You can read all about him
You can read all about him
Even though our local walk was to raise much needed funds for rescued doggies, it was also in honour of "Just Nuisance"!!!
(I feel honoured too...being invited to take part in this...yet I am only a Golden Retriever)
A really nice lady, made my 'Or-dane-ment' official...
(She gave me my certificate and also a yummy treat!...thank you, nice lady!)
But I must say, they were very friendly and I got to meet them all.
It's always a good idea to do some smelling around first...
Gillooly's farm is a popular dog venue where some important shows and competitions are held. Yesterday when I was there, there was some agility training in progress too...
...But we were there for the walk! ...around a beautiful lake...
Anyway, it was a lovely day and there were many participants, including our good friends Obi and Saxy...
Their mom was one of the main organisers for the day (what a sterling job she did, BOL!) so the duo had to wait a while in their cage before the start.
It was a really hot day and the thunder clouds were building, but we had lotsafun!
I met a special little buddy...who is only 8 weeks old and is destined to become a really BIG doggie. Whew, he was cute!...
His long legs weren't ready to take him all the way, BOL!...
When we finally got back to base, I did what I needed to do...
Then something special happened:
The big doggies all got dressed up for a "Best dressed Doggie" competition.
I'm mad at "Maxmom"! Can you believe it, she FORGOT to dress me up!!!
Yikes, that was a bad mistake!
Then something special happened:
The big doggies all got dressed up for a "Best dressed Doggie" competition.
The theme was "The Soccer World cup"...
which was held in South Africa this year
I'm mad at "Maxmom"! Can you believe it, she FORGOT to dress me up!!!
Yikes, that was a bad mistake!
Afterwards everybody sat around, relaxed and the humans got to eat special sandwhiches.
Some of the big dudes just relaxed in their humans' vehicles...
Here is the big dude who won the competition...
he represented 'Switzerland'...
We really had a fabulous morning and would like to thank
"Maxmom's" friend, Margie, for inviting us and for making us feel so special.
It was a wonderful day and I hope they made "lotsamoneys" for the
Now I am home and able to relax again. I wonder what next "Maxmom" has in stall for me?
Lotsalicks to you all and wishing you a happy week,

Hi everyone:
One of my readers commented that Toby looks 'unhappy' in the photographs.
I would like to reassure you that Toby is one of the happiest, most spoilt puppies around! As he gets older and his obedience progresses, he is REALLY trying to help me by posing for some of the special 'close-up' photos. He becomes quite 'serious' during these times as he tries to please me. Perhaps that is what you are seeing...he is NOT sick, nor is he UNHAPPY! Indeed he is quite the opposite!
He is also quite happy to respond to my requests for photographs. In the "Tour Guide" photo, for example, he is in the 'stay' command (which he takes quite seriously)and perhaps that is what you are noticing. Thank you for your comment and for the opportunity to respond.
Sending lotsaluv
"Maxmom" and a HAPPY TOBY!!!