Thursday, February 23, 2012

Our awesome 'get-away'...

MAXMOM here...

Hello there to all my friends around the world.
Some of you will be aware of my recent absence from blogland. During this time, "The Boss" and I left our three pooches at home in the diligent care of the babysitter, and took a much needed break to the north coast of Kwazulu Natal.  Our destination was 'Breakers Resort' - a very comfortable and upmarket holiday venue situated adjacent to a pretty estuary. 

The name "Umhlanga" aptly represents the beautiful setting: 
"Umhlanga" means 'place of reeds'.

Our weather during our holiday was either excellent or really gloomy.  A persistent Vervet Monkey contributed to the daily entertainment when he raided our apartment whenever we weren't looking - gingerly tiptoeing behind me as I turned my back to answer the knock at the door.  

His loot included a large bunch of bananas and a big slab of Cashew-nut-brittle.   Ol' 'Blue balls' impressed me with his tenacity despite me chasing him regularly and waving a beach towel frantically.  Neither my shouting nor the towel deterred him.

On gloomy days I placed my nose firmly into a good book - one of which was John Kehoe's "Quantum Warrior" - an extremely interesting read and a highly thought-provoking concept.  The Boss and I were so intrigued that we organised to attend one of his three-hour talks, which just happened to be at the nearby South Coast Casino. 
(The Moses Mabhida stadium in the background)

Mr Kehoe is on tour in South Africa at the moment.

On better days, we either sat around the pool, sipping cool cocktails or participated in the daily 'BINGO'.  Beach walks too were regular.

One morning we took an early morning walk along the tranquil nature trail through the unspoilt forest of the estuary.  
The  reflections were breathtaking.
On another day, we took a trip to Ushaka Marine World - one of the acquatic attractions of Durban.  
 I must be the only person in the world who gets seasick in an aquarium, lol! 
But I absolutely adored the dolphins!  The oldest one in the pod - 'Gambit' - is now 42 years old.  He was just a tiny, baby dolphin when I first visited the aquarium in 1971.  He has grown into a beautiful, graceful creature and I must admit that I was rather choked up with the notion that he'd never be able to experience the environment for which he was originally created - namely the ocean.  
Anyway, I suppose that without dolphins like Gambit, we would never be able to witness the spectacle of these stunning dolphin shows, nor would their be the public 'education' of these incredible creatures.  They work for the benefit of their species.

Here are some other pictures from our holiday - with their captions.
(The Pool deck)

 (Resident woodpecker)
(This frightened crab was caught between two holes - he froze!)

(Durban seafront on a windy day)

(Making full use of the wind - kite surfers)

(The Boss and my favourite place)

So that was our holiday - a  really welcome and refreshing break from our hectic lives. Hopefully I'll soon be able to regain my old blogging voice and enthusiasm.
(Something I'm still struggling with)
Current news is that my dear Sweet Hooligan - Toby - is recovering from his recent 'Gentleman's surgery'.  He's okay, but he has had a little setback - the surgery site is very swollen indeed.  He decided to pull out one of his stitches when I wasn't looking, so now he's on antibiotics, pain-killers, anti-inflammatories and has been restrained with the dreaded 'cone'. He's receiving cold-packs every 2 hours.  I really hope that his healing speeds up now - its day 3 today and the haematoma is the size of a tennis ball. The vet says he should be okay, but he must relax....
mmmm...relax?  An insurmountable challenge for a 'Sweet Hooligan'.
Please note that I've added another 'page' to this blog, entitled:
Be sure to check it out - there are some wonderful contributions from my readers.  The page is dedicated to all those special readers who have written to me and given me feedback about their reading experience with the book.  If you would like to add your own contribution, please email me. (carylmoll at yahoo dot com)  I would love to post it up and include YOU!

Sending lotsaluv to you all,


Asta said...

SO vewy happy that you got to have such westful and gowgeous bweak.Scenes like that and adventoowes wefwesh the soul(Mommi says)
We haven't had a chance to get and wead youw most wondewful book yet, pleez don't give up on us
we love you and send youw sweet hooligan my healing smoochie kisses
ASTa and Mommi

WFT Nobby said...

What a beautiful place for a break, the nature trail along the estuary looks so peaceful and enticing.

I am fascinated to learn that Gambit has apparently thrived in an aquarium for over 40 years. Like you, I have reservations about keeping animals this way, but the folk who run the aquarium must know how to create appropriate conditions or he surely would not have thrived that long.

Bertie has his legs crossed in sympathy with Toby!


My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Thanks Maxmom - it looked like a great trip away.

rottrover said...

Thanks for sharing highlights from your wonderful holiday!!

The Life of Riley said...

Thanks for the photos and the tour of where you went. I'm glad that you and "The Boss" enjoyed your holiday, and that you were able to take a break from things.

Give Toby a pat from us. Enzo had the same operation last month. We hope Toby is feeling better soon.

Mrs. JP said...

Wow, your vacation spot looks lovely. You really got some good pictures. I laughed at the thought of you chasing a monkey out of your room. Only in SA. Welcome back.

Duke said...

What a wonderfully relaxing vacation. I loved the dolphin show!

Love ya lots,

Scout and Freyja said...

Each and every photo was gorgeous! The monkey, on the other hand - well, let's just say that they are not my favorite animal☺☺☺.

NanaNor's said...

My dear friend, I too just returned from a week away but I took you with me, via your book and felt like you were there the entire time. I'm not done yet but when I am, I will write you. I love it Caryl-you are blessed with a gift to communicate the loving bond between your sweet Max and yourself. While we were away, Reggie was in the dog-hotel and did well. In fact, when hubby picked him up this morning he was acting like a pup.
Hugs to you all today.
Love, Noreen & Reggie

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Thanks for sharing your holiday with us. It looks so relaxing. Special hugs to Toby and hope he feels better soon. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Two French Bulldogs said...

wow so it is relaxing
Benny & Lily

MySpecialDoggies said...

Sending Toby best wishes on his recovery. Neeli is sending extra licks his way.

Your pictures are gorgeous - what a beautiful vacation getaway.

Nadine & golden Neeli