Friday, November 5, 2010


TOBY here...

Hello there to all my furry-buddies around the world...


I'm sorry, I've not blogged much lately...
I've been having problems with Maxmom..
It seems she is very busy at the moment.
She spends a lot of time working in the garden, so Aunt Tam and I have to amuse ourselves.  We don't have much problem with that because...
...I love my...


Sometimes Maxmom has left us behind and gone off to the lovely garden centre
...where us furry companions aren't allowed. 
The flowers there are exquisite!...

I love it when she plants flowers...
because I can then dig them up!!!
It is such fun!!!

But sometimes she gets so distracted that she forgets something...


I am positive that there is not a furry-buddy in the world who won't clearly see


Anyway, I have found a way to get Maxmom's attention and I wanted to share it with all my buddies over the world who might be having similar problems with their peeps...

But I'm not really sorry, because it seems that by pressing that shiny blue button, I get Maxmom's attention instantaneously!  By some magic, the computer screen goes dead and Maxmom lets out her own howl....

...and then she GIVES ME ALL THE ATTENTION!!!

Now I can bark this good advice to all my buddies around the world...

Sending lotsalicks for a happy weekend.

ps: I that fails, then climb into the pool, get out and then run through the house without shaking off the will soon get their attention!



How Sam Sees It said...

Ha-ha! Good boy, Toby, but this is a powerful tool and must only be used in times of extreme need!


MySpecialDoggies said...

You're one smart doggie Toby! That's sure to get Maxmom's attention!

Here's hoping you get invited to help plant those pretty flowers!

Nadine & Neeli
Angel doggie Apples (1994-2010)

Unknown said...

BOL Toby!! You are very smart fur such a young guy!

The water shaking trick works EVERY time!!! BOL!!!


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! I am allowed to go to the garden center especially where they have a small pet center. As always you are a cutie. Happy Friday n Weekend. Lots of Golden woofs, Sugar

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

You are such a clever boy, Toby!


PS: Our verification word is RATIONS!

Scout and Freyja said...

Toby, you are a little stinker, aren't you? Quite frankly, we are happy to see that you have such spirit! You will keep Maxmom on her toes. We were wondering why you were so PURRfect for such a long time!

Noah said...

Great advice Toby, thank you.

WFT Nobby said...

Oh Toby, thank you, what great advice. And from one so young. I can see that you will go far!
Toodle pip!
PS Gail doesn't need any help from me on the computer front - this morning she dropped a memory stick, containing some key work documents, into a cup of steaming hot coffee...

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Good boy Toby!! That's a very good piece of advice! I have access to that buttom all of the time and have never thought of doing it..but now that you have let me in on the secret...anything can happen!! Have a wonderful day!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Unknown said...

BOL! What a clever idea, Toby :) You are full of mischief, but we love you for it!

dw said...

Gee, Toby, you've learned quite quickly how to get your maxmom's attention! Way to go! :)

Sheila and Bob said...

Oh Toby, we are not going to let Hamish & Sophie read your blog today.
They know enough tricks and we don't want to give them anything more to think

Sheila & Bob

Angus said...

Toby - A boys just got to do whatever it takes to get attention ... and food !

George The Lad said...

Hey good one Toby, What I do is jump on the couch when shes not on the PC a step on the key board, it makes a lovely beep beep sound, it sure does bring them runing lol!!!
Pop by my bloggie if mom will let you I have some things going on,and would love you to join in, one of them you can vote where you would like me to go on my birthday!
See Yea George xxx

verobirdie said...

Oh dear, I hope the catgirls here haven't read your post to the end. They sure would use the trick of the computer.
They have been doing pretty well this weekend with the wet trick, you know, cats don't shake when it rains and come indoor... and it rained for three long days...
Tell Maxmom the garden center is very tempting!

The Heartbeats said...

You are such a good puppy Toby!! Who is teaching you all these useful lesson?


Piappies World said...

Hey Toby!

That's a smart idea! Sound fool-proof to us! Wai-Max would be our best candidate to take your advise. We'll let you know if it works.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

The Life of Riley said...

That nose on the blue light is a clever idear Toby. I'll have to try it sometime, but in the meantime I need find a way to get my mum back to typing my blog as she has been too busy doing other things to write much for me.

Have a great weekend little friend,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Keep up the good use of that puppy license!


emilene said...

Hi Mr Toby!

I'm so happy we found your blog! I live in Cape Town with my humans and I think you're my first South African friend in bloggieland!

My blog is only a few days old and I'm so happy to be surrounded by a whole bunch of new friends!

We're going to read your posts now and we've just become your latest followers. Come and say hi when you have a chance!

Abigail the Yorkie :)

Tucker said...

Toby, there's no blue button on Mom's MAC computer, so I've had to resort to the "elbow nudge". As soon as she starts typing I put my nose under her right elbow and push. Boy, does that get her attention! She just keeps calling my name, Tucker, Tucker and I know she remembers I'm here

Dandy Duke said...

The word "hooligan" just popped into our heads. We're wondering why?!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

houndstooth said...

BOL! Toby, you're going to go far in this world! You're already a genius!


Mrs. JP said...

Toby, you are a mess in this world. Mom didn't mean to forget the water...or did you spill it on accident!!! You are a smart cookie that's for sure. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Hello to Tammy, King Toffee and most of all to Mom.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Toby, you are just FULL of the smarts! And you have your "sorry" face down pat! You are most wise and clever for one so young.

Wiggles & Wags,

Dexter said...

Sometimes you have to just step up to the plate and take things into your own paws. Well done, little dude.


sprinkles said...

Oh goodness Toby, good thing you knew just what to do to get your mama's attention! My dogs scratch and dig at me until I give them the attention they're so desperately desiring.

I haven't forgotten to feed my boys but I have gotten so wrapped up in reading blogs that I forget to let them out sometimes.

Ms. ~K said...

You're smart and adorable! A winning combination!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You are a smart boy, and I think I might try the same thing!
Thanks for leading the way!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We find laying across the keyboard is equally effective ~ 'cos we;re not strong enuff for buttons wiv noses. MOL!

D.K. Wall said...

Excellent work. Cheoah has found that sitting beside the hu-dad while he is working on the laptop is good because she can slap the keys with her paw and make his spellcheck work extra hard.

Becky Andrews said...

You are adorable and I think at times Cricket would like to push that little blue button! Hope you get dinner soon -- poor Toby, right. We were just at the GDB Luncheon and saw some little 8 week old puppies so adorable. Gardening sounds delightful.

Anonymous said...

YOu are growing so very fast, maybe a little too fast!

woo woos, Tessa

Lorenza said...

You are sooooo smart, Toby!
Now you have the power of the nose!
Have a great sunday!
Kisses and hugs

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Toby, thank you for visiting Bruce's blog and leaving a message. We miss our Brucey terribly. You look like a super cool pup. Will catch up again soon, No worries, Carol x

Pepsi Bum said...

How very smart, Toby! Too bad the machines in the house are portable, and I can't reach the bloo light if the hoomans are using the machines! AND, I don't have a pool I can hop into!

Any other suggestions that I can use to get the hoomans' attention?


Kari said...

My, what an intelligent little boy you are! And so handsome. Each day we see more and more of the awsome dog you will become. With those good looks and brains, your life will be an amazing one, we're sure!

KB said...

Ruh roh! I am NOT allowing K and R to read this post!

You are so smart, TobyPup!

You made me laugh, and that isn't easy today.

Kasha The Dainty Great Dane said...

Hi Toby,

You are such a smart puppy...I never thought of pushing that button on mom's computer and I do have to say I might have to give it a go!!

I sure hope mom filled up your water dish...what was she thinking?? BoL

My mom loves to read your blog this time of's getting colder, the flower are all gone the leaves are almost off all the trees but when we read your blog everything is coming to life there makes my winter go by faster seeing all they flowers and sunshine where you are.

AARF Kasha the Dainty Great Dane

Scout and Freyja said...

Just dropped by to see what's up and see that you, like most little children, are thinking about Christmas already. Momma says that she hasn't even made her list or checked it twice - please give her a little more time!