It's a unique turning point when your puppy suddenly
realises that
YOU are their life’s purpose! ...
I wonder how many people have experienced this as
profoundly as I have. And Lexi gave it to me yesterday. My heart melted.
The moment is almost indescribable – I’ve been giving it
serious thought since then because I need to share it on this blog. It’s as special as a baby taking its first steps.
But this time, it happens with a puppy. Your
own puppy! You’ll miss it if you are not
watching. It happens so fast, but it is
a definite communication with you, and you are lucky if you witness it
Weeks have gone by with all the happenings of
puppyhood. I’ve dedicated time and
energy towards this tiny, young, living creature.
I’ve harnessed my patience; my knowledge; my purpose; my love – all with
the goal of nurturing our young Lexi.
Then suddenly it happens and it's profound!
My thoughts have been dancing around this particular notion. I’ve tried hard to put it into words in order
to be able to explain it to those who have not had the privilege of experiencing it…
This 'moment' is a culmination of the time you have spent with your young puppy. It’s a coming together of two very different
species and it seals the vulnerable bond in the early stages of this
partnership. It happens in the blink of
an eye – literally - with merely a glance your way. But then it is followed by
a few minutes of utter, static adoration from your young companion - her
attention is directed totally at you in awe and wonder.
“My prayer is to
be as good a human being as my dog thinks I am.”
It’s a pivotal moment.
You’ll miss it if you’re not attentive. It happens suddenly and you see
it in their eyes – like a light bulb experiencing the joy of illumination. Their expression exudes adoration,
admiration, trust, faith, love all mixed up with a measure of surprise. It’s the bridge of understanding laid down between a human being and his/her dog.
From this particular moment onwards, your relationship
with your dog will soar. She is ready –
to focus on you, to learn from you, to work for you, to share your life with you.
She will take whatever comes her way – her trust is unconditional.
I must have done something good…