Hello there everyone!
I hope you all had a really happy weekend! We did!
Our weather here in Johannesburg, SA is glorious at the moment. Today's maximum temperature for example, is 25 degrees centigrade = 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Wouldn't you agree, that is totally blissfull!
Good weather means time in the garden and this weekend I set about starting my goal of converting my garden into a truly 'dog-happy' one.
Over the past three months of Toby's presence, I have noted 'where' the dogs like to explore and so I have created a number of organised pathways amongst all the foliage.
I'm by no means a landscape master, but I do enjoy my garden and do my best.
All the dogs are delighted with the result, so hopefully, the plants "I" love will have some protection from canine exploits.
Toby's progress is slowly taking shape. His weight gain is rapid and he now sends the scale reading up to 14.3Kgs ...he LOVES his food!
Sadly, he's no longer so easy to pick up. Nevertheless, we both enjoy the endless cuddles.
The puppy class on Saturday was fun again. I really love the setting - somewhat rural, lots of open space, numerous professional assistants and many, interesting things for our pups to be exposed to.
The commands which Toby has mastered already are :
"Sit!", "Down", "Paw", "Come"
Obviously one has to continuously reinforce these commands and introduce new ones as you progress.
We are currently working on:
"Stay" and "Leave it" and "Stand".
Saturday's class again offered the three obstacle courses as well as 'crate accustomisation' and 'vet table accustomisation'.
We received guidelines about 'chewing', 'digging' and numerous other topics and the pups were given an opportunity to freely socialise with other pups. Toby is still a 'laid back, chilled-out' doggie who is more people focussed than dog focussed.
When we got home from the class, Toby went swimming!
Later "Aunt Tam" allowed him to enjoy her "chewie"...
In the evening, he helped 'rescue' a little bird by showing me where it had fallen. The poor little thing had got trapped in the long foliage where Toby is sitting...
He still LOVES the cool floor tiles...
...and his walks...
All in all....I am delighted with my pup!!!
I would like to say a special thank you to all my readers who sent 'Nadine' special comments of support and love after the sad loss of her 'Apples'. (Yesterday's post) The 'power of the paw' is truly amazing and I am very grateful to all who contributed!
'Nadine' has put up a special memorial website in honour of 'Apples'. If you would like to light a candle for her, please click
*Our shops are also slowly filling up with Christmas offerings and I've heard the first smatterings of Christmas jingle.
* We had another armed robbery in our neighbourhood on Thursday last week. Although the domestic worker was tied up, thanks to the alertness of neighbours, the suspects were apprehended. Both the domestic worker and the toddler are unhurt. As a community, we remain very crime conscious.
* My girls were home for the weekend although most of their time was spent behind their books in preparation for their university exams etc.
* I am back to piano practicing after a long absence, so I once again have music in my home.
* Afternoon thundershowers have left our city with beautiful green foliage. There are splashes of purple everywhere displaying the annual wonderous spectacle of Jacaranda trees.
Wishing all our readers a wonderful week and may the 'power of the paw' surround all those who are struggling in one way or another.