Saturday, January 4, 2014

#365Grateful: DAY 4 : Diversity of Talent

*I am grateful for the diversity of incredible talent in this world!
One of the advantages of living in a large, metropolitan city is that, if you have the means, you are able to experience some of the extraordinary talent which is displayed in the creative arts.

Last night, I had the privilege of going to see the stage production of

MONTECASINO, Johannesburg, South Africa
 I am so grateful that we are all so different and that we can sit down, admire and enjoy the talent of others. I am grateful that our creative talents are all different and unique, and that if pursued that they can be used to bless and enrich others.

The costumes, set design, adaptation of the ballet and sheer ability of the performers was magical! What a privilege it was to see such creative talent in action.  I really admired the unique choreography that went into this production as well as the original musical score. Did you know that Tchaikovsky's music dates back to 1889 - it's a clear example of how unique talent can live on through the ages. 

Thank you, cast of 'Sleeping Beauty on Ice' for blessing us with your talent!

Now...I need to be grateful for my own talent - and work out ways to share it.
What are you going to do with yours?

Sending lotsaluv