Thursday, June 17, 2010


MAXMOM here...
Hello there to all my friends around the world!
Whew! What a day! Where do I start?

Firstly, I'm really sorry that I'm not getting around to all your's just hectic here at the moment with the happenings of the Soccer World Cup and my home full with visitors. Please forgive me during this time of intense celebrations.  All I am really able to do at this point is to simply put up posts. Things are really exciting but I also DON'T want my cyber friends to miss out on all the fun either! So for the moment I am merely concentrating on posting.

Yesterday "The Boss' came home with a wonderful surprise - two tickets for him and I to go and see the game at Soccer City!!!  Not only that, but they were for the same game which Adam (our old exchange student currently visiting us) and his brother were going to see.

We got up early this morning and got our things together to go to the game . 
Since South Africa wasn't on the agenda for the day, we just had to choose another country to support, so we decided that we'd all support Argentina!!!  (who were to play Korea.)
So...."BLUE" it was!!!
This was to become my first opportunity to experience my country from a 'foreigners' point of view...
Today I was supporting Argentina!
"The Boss" too was on the same team...although there was still a bit of South African left in him!...

I took the first opportunity I could to show my new joining up with the first group of Argentina supporters I could find...
  They were more than happy to have me in their ranks and called upon their other supporters to show me what they were all about. (I'm not shy to greet foreigners) They were determined to show me what it was like to feel Argentinian...

(Can you spot me?...I am the third from the left...holding up my new blue scarf?)

We travelled by bus to Soccer City...
(Right front=Adam, Left front=Adam's brother)
  The Argentina supporters were extremely vocal and displayed great dancing rhythm in the bus (poor bus driver!).  It was smiles and jubilant laughter all the way.

We got to the stadium...What a stadium!...

My first point of offer Korea some support too.

Then to have my face painted!
...and check out the vibe.

Our biggest surprise of the day was to discover that we had been issued VIP seats...huh????...yes, what do you know!!!? - we had been allocated to one of the suites in the stadium... We couldn't believe our luck!

 It seems that the suites (which had been block booked a few months ago) hadn't been occupied and when 'The Boss' went to enquire yesterday about possible tickets, those were the ones we were given (at a much reduced price)...we had no idea!

 Hey, I'm not complaining!!!
Who would have thought - a private bar and lounge and a balcony overlooking this magnificent stadium which is built to accommodate about 95000 spectators. (I can just see Maxdog wagging his tail!!!)
We had our own waiter too who kept us hydrated and salivating with snacks to sample...
We had arrived very early, so the stadium was only just starting to fill up.

I took the opportunity to orientate myself and to show my support.
An Argentinian supporter was willing to take my camera and take a picture for us of the boss and I. (Okay, I know...I shouldn't trust strangers with my camera...but the vibe was so fesive, I couldn't resist!)
"Zakumi" (The official mascot) was also there to entertain the crowd.
Korea's big flag - during the National anthem.
Finally...the full stadium.

The teams are on the field.
The game is on!...
I had chosen to use ear plugs, so the sound of vuvuzelas was not a problem at all for me.  The atmosphere was electric and most enjoyable.
The dispersal of the crowd after the game.  Who do you think won?....
Walking back to the bus...
Once on the bus, the route was through "Downtown Johannesburg" ...
Over the famous "Nelson Mandela" bridge...
The colourful artwork on Nelson Mandela bridge (below)...
Nearly back to our car...
Overall...It was a truly incredible day!!!
What an incredible feeling to be an Argentinian!
(Thank you, Argentina!)
I must a foreigner (Argentinian supporter) I was well cared for by my hosts (South Africa).  The transport system to and from the stadium was very efficient - I was most impressed!  Attendants were curteous and very friendly. ( get so well treated as a non-South African, LOL!) The whole day was hugely enjoyable.
With lots of love from today's Argentinian supporter...


Anonymous said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! How fun! We can hardly believes we know somebuddy that actually got to go! And then to gets to sit in one of those sweet suites - well, that must've just been icing on the cake! Thank you for telling us all about it. We could just FEEL the excitement!

Wiggles & Wags,
Mayzie (and her mom)

Ms. ~K said...

What a great post...I felt like I was there with you enjoying the game, suite, and festivities!!!
You look great in Argentina blue!
Always good to see you smiling!

Pip said...

It sounds like such a great Adventure. What a great idea to see it through your visitor's eyes. We loved all the pictures and poured over them for quite a time.
Thanks for sharing that with us!

Heather and Kelly said...

Wow! Glad to hear your day went well! Go Argentina! 4-1!

And to get VIP seats about incredible! It looks like you had an excellent and comfortable view of the game.

As to people taking your picture--I completely understand you accepting their offer even though your camera is in danger of being stolen. Because I carry my camera with me almost everywhere, I do get people offering to take a photo of me and my family. I usually just judge how they 'feel' and go from there. I've yet to have anyone that doesn't feel right offer to take my picture, and I've never had to turn anyone down either.

Anyway, everything turned out well, even the match! Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

Jacqueline said...

What a fun post=it looks like you all had a fantastic day celebrating together and with thousands of strangers!...So glad you got to experience the games and the enthusiasm up close and personal!

George The Lad said...

Another great post, VIP tickets to.
See Yea George xxx

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Wow what a fantastic day.. VIP seats.. That was a super bonus.. I am so glad you had a great time.. We have been watching on TV and it was good to know that we were watcking what you were watching first hand.. Superb pictures bringing it to life too.. Hugs GJ

houndstooth said...

I just knew this post was going to be exciting and enthusiastic! How lucky that you got such great seats! I bet it was a lot warmer in there than outside. I just loved all your pictures, too!

BTW, how many colors do vuvuzelas come in? If I could get my hands on a pink one... I'd take it to school with me in July for educational purposes, of course!

Mrs. JP said...

That is so awesome that you had suite seats (sweet!) Great pictures and excellent coverage of the game from our onsite reporter. You have a gift for making me feel like I was there with you!
I would have chosen the ear plugs too! I bet you could still hear the horns only at a pleasant level.
Hello to the gang from all of us in the holler, TN USA

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Wow is right! What an amazing day for all of you!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Mom

Doris Sturm said...

Oh, how exciting - I loved all your photos and description - it was almost like being there. That's great about your seats!

I'm glad you had so much fun :-)

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your incredible day with us!

Just from your photos, I can almost 'feel' the excitement of this event. Everyone looks like they are having a grand time in your beautiful city!

Your furrend,

PeeS...I still have not heard how my 'chosen' country of Germany fared today...hoping for a win!

The Life of Riley said...

What a great experience!

Love and woofs,

Kasha The Dainty Great Dane said...

Hi Caryl,

Oh my goodness so much has happened with you since I've last chatted with you. Let me say that I am so sorry for you loss of Maxdog, we had been following your journey with him on my work computer (not supposed to do that but I checked on you guys often). I coudn't post because I can't from work and our home computer wasn't working properly. We just got a new computer yesterday and wanted to say I'm so sorry and now I can start blogging again. Hope you and your family are doing well.

Denise & Kasha the Dainty Great Dane

brooke said...

Holy camoly! From no tickets to AWESOME suite tickets! How amazing is that!
Thank you for sharing your pictures with us so we could experience World Cup fever with you!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Love it...keep the exciting photos coming
Benny & Lily

Scout and Freyja said...

That was SO COOL! This is SO MUCH FUN! To have someone who can give to us all of the insight to the games from a personal perspective. Tell 'the boss' that we think he is a good sport and a great example of South African humor and hospitality!

We are so happy that you got those terrific seats! My goodness - it was just MEANT to be, wasn't it?

hugs to all...

How Sam Sees It said...

How wonderful to be a part of it all!


Valerie Cummings said...

WOW! What a great day!!! I felt as though I was there with you!!!! Yahooo!!! Thank you for sharing your experience with all of us!!! Hugs, Valerie

Elizabeth Bergesen said...

What a day! We are drooling over here as we are big soccer fans. Glad you had an amazing experience!

Elizabeth & Luna

sprinkles said...

I felt like I was right there with you! I'm so glad you were able to go and experience this! Who knows when or if it'll happen again. And how perfect that you got such excellent seats!

WFT Nobby said...

So pleased you got to go to a game (and it turned out to be a good one too!) What a wonderful experience that must have been. Didn't manage to spot you on the telly, but then of course I wasn't looking for you in the posh seats! Anyway, with your report, I almost feel like I was there. From the grey of Aberdeen, the vibrant colours are a joy to see.
Cheers, Gail.
PS Bertie has his own unique take on the World Cup on his blog today....

Dandy Duke said...

Wow! What a fun-filled special day you had!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

KB said...

I can tell from your tone how much fun and excitement it was! I am so glad that you had the opportunity to experience a game first-hand! And, from the luxury of a sweet suite! Wow, what a day!

Dom said...

Hi Maxmom!
What a wonderful time you had! It looked absolutely awesome! Do you knwo where the Boss went to enquire about tickets? I am trying to buy them online but it won't work. It keeps telling me to try again later. :( I would really like to try and go.
Have a great weekend!
Love D

meowmeowmans said...

What an amazing and fun day! Absolutely brilliant, Maxmom!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

It just made our day to see you and the boss celebrating the diversity - showing all the colors and I loved the stamp on your faces.
We have been watching on tv, and everywhere we go- we see signs about the world cup. On the radio- its everywhere,,, and the best part is that it is at the Rainbow Nation and You are there.

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

OMD, how exciting that you got to go to a game! And what fantastic seats!!! Thank you so much for taking us with you, it really felt like I was there while I was looking at the pictures... except much quieter! :-)

Cloud and Kathleen

Tiago said...

Me and my wife love Argentineans, we stayed a summer in an apartment in buenos aires once and we found out that they are really friendly and fun.
I hope you enjoyed the game!