MAXMOM here...
Hello there everybody!
I'm suffering a lot of 'blogger's guilt' at the moment and apologise for not getting around to as many blogs as I would like to. Somehow, with a puppy around, I seem to have so much less time than previously!
Can someone please explain this to me?
Anyway, at least I'm getting to posting, so I hope you will bare with me..
As you can see...there are three happy furry stooges in our household, one of which has been imbued with far too much is simply impossible to sit still for photographs, LOL!
I will be eternally grateful to the TAMMY-GIRL for her natural leadership and ability to temper the exhuberance of youth...phew, she is a canine star of note!
As for TOBY-PUPPY......
Yeah, yeah! I can hear you all laughing!
We went out to watch a rugby match on Saturday afternoon and the dogs got locked up in the back yard. It's quite a large area with ample space to run and generous shady spots. It 'should be' more than comfortble. Obviously Toby put on his mischief hat because, by the time we got home, the older dogs were clearly giving him the infamous 'cold shoulder'! In addition, he was so happy to see us when we arrived home that he inadvertently scrambled over "THE KING" and used him as a stepping stone in his excitement.
Bad idea Toby!
KING TOFFEE was having none of it and told him off in no uncertain terms, so TOBY slunk into a corner for the evening whilst THE KING sat in various lap thrones.
By Sunday morning, my vegetable patch was history!
I suppose it wasn't really his fault because I didn't seal it off correctly.
The joys of puppyhood!
Back to our playful self!
Asta came to visit again yesterday.
Together, the duo made mince-meat out of some of the beautiful foliage in my garden.
I thought Toby was a hooligan, but you should see the 5 week older, Asta!
Asta is constantly on the move - a shiny black pogo-stick with a mouthful of sharp needles! She has been blessed with uncontained and jittery energy - a real cracker-dog! My poor friend Lorraine is as dreary-eyed as me, LOL!
Good news is that Asta served to dissipate all of Toby's energy reserves and in no time got him to seek refuge in the bushes. However, she was clearly overjoyed with his game of 'hide-and-seek' and the two pups set about making scrambled eggs of my shrubs.
Toby was clearly 'pooped 'afterwards...not to mention us!
So, as you can see, I am being kept relatively busy
...but it's fun!!! It really is!!!
Please don't forget about the
(This Saturday)

We have all been encouraged to put up special posts on that day, in honour or rememberance of those amazing people and animals who fight this heartbreaking disease.
You can check out the official website
Please participate...together we can create phenomenal awareness!
Sending lotsaluv to you all.
Hi there 'telligent Toby
Well done little fellow! I was a bit worried there for a while, that you were turning out to be a goody two shoes kind of a pup. Not so, it seems.
Keep up the excellent work!
Toodle pip!
PS Gail says she never understood the term 'cracker dog' until I arrived on the scene, since when 'Mad Hour' has become a feature of the daily routine in this household.
Yuh, Toby might want to go in his bunker from now on whilst home alone with the more mature doggies. What a little scamp.
i'll take him!! :)
i really can see him growing each day....such a beautiful guy!!!
Sounds like King Toffee handled teaching a good lesson himself, so you have two great older dogs educating the pup.
Oh - and that isn't laughter you hear. It is heads nodding around the world. We have all been there.
Isn't having a puppy again just sooo much funs?!?!? :) You made mom laugh today....
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
PeeS A pooped puppy is a good puppy!
Don't worry about bloggers - it's best to enjoy 'puppy breath' while you have it!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Hi Toby
Neeli says you're doing great puppy work! Don't forget to rip out some grass too while in the yard - lots of fun!
Nadine Apples & Neeli
I forgot how much work puppies take until I read your posts! tammy Girl and King Toffee are such great role models for him, he is one lucky pup!
Oh, the uhmm Joys of PUPHOOD!!! As usual, the pictures are so cute. That little guy can't take a bad picture, can he? And God bless Tammy!
As for your garden,,,,,well, you might just want to let that go to the dogs!!
laughing WITH you in the holler and sending much love.
Oh the memories your puppy tales evoke! The heroine in the story is obviously Tammy -- and clearly Toby finds solace in her warm fur and attentive ways.
We're so glad you have the "flashie beast" at your side!!
Wirey love from Jake and Just Harry,
Ha - we'll take him - send him over. Just enjoy that puppyhood time - he will grow up so fast. Ciara is quite proud of his gardening skills:)
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Wonderful post, great pictures and adorable puppy... love the one of Toby and Tammy. xoxo
It is a blast reliving the puppy days and all that goes with it. Its truly a blessing that Tammy Girl is there to anchor little Toby. Cosmo had the same relationship with puppy Devo when he came to our home at 6 weeks old. Just to give you an idea what kind of puppy he was; his well earned nickname was "Devil Dog". Devo grew up to be totally devoted to Cosmo and together they were the perfect pair. It is a very good way to raise a Golden.
Oh I understand about the constant movement thing - the kittens are the same way. But oh, that puppy energy has to be so much more!
And oh, I understand the "using someone as a step" thing - more than a few hisses have occured here from that. Toby will learn not to do that pretty quickly - King Toffee will be sure of that!
And oh, in the picture where he is lying with his head down - that is such an "I'm Sorry" picture!
Whew! I'm exhausted just looking at all those pictures of Toby's puppy power! I bet you are SOOOO Most Glad that Tammy-girl is there to help you out. They are so sweet together.
Everytime my mom reads about King Toffee, she thinks of a line from a movie that goes, "It's good to be the king!"
Wiggles & Wags,
Whew! I'm exhausted just looking at all those pictures of Toby's puppy power! I bet you are SOOOO Most Glad that Tammy-girl is there to help you out. They are so sweet together.
Everytime my mom reads about King Toffee, she thinks of a line from a movie that goes, "It's good to be the king!"
Wiggles & Wags,
I love it!!! I'll take all of them!!! I wish!! Those pictures are gorgeous and the flower garden that is now a pile of dirt made me laugh (sorry) because when I had Holly as a puppy, everything she can into contact with was messed up! There was no sitting down much to rest much less getting on the computer!! Enjoy it...she will grow up before you know it. Tammy Girl and Toby look like partners and the best of buddies! Oh I just want a puppy like Toby!!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Go easy on the vege plants, Toby! The fruit is the best part but you gotta wait for the fruit to happen, buddy!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I love the first two pictures, especially the Toffee's part, first very proud, then annoyed to be out of focus :-)
And those with Toby spleeping close to Tamy.
Of course, you don't have much time left since he is here! How could you?
Oh I bet you are blessing the day that Tammy-girl came into your life!
Well, looks to me like Toby is going through the terrible puppy symdrome! Don't worry though, you have more house to go through for Toby. BOL
He will grow up to be a good boy. He just has way too much energy right now!
woo woos, Tessa
I'd forgotten how much energy is involved in being a puppy!
Hi there Toby,
So we see you are also into landscaping, huh?! Wai-Pai and Wai-Max do a lot of those too, you see.
We all love your pack shot. So precious. Seems like Tammy's doing a wonderful job keeping an eye on you, lil one. Do try to bond with King Toffee more.
We do have to say, your last photo in this post really really reminds us of Maxdog and it sure brought us smiles. Weeeeee
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max
I remember clearly the whole overpowering energy of a little puppy! Shiver was always into everything and I had to keep an eye on him all the time.
Toby, you're certainly keeping your Mom very busy!
All our puppies in training here use crates which works really well and stops havoc when they are left alone. The puppies respond really well to being crated and learn very quickly to behave.
take care
Clive and Murray
Toby is just making sure woo have sufficient blog material!
I think toby is being a pawfect pupcake..I mean what do you think he's sposed to be doing ?????
Thank dog fow Tammy giwl and hew patience, hehehehe
auntie Maxmom, you just west when you can in king toffee's awms, hehehehe
and then get back to enjoying Toby's exoobewance..puppyhood doesn't last long enuff mommi says
smoochie kisses
Do you know what make us (your friends ) happy?
It's all this puppyness that is going on at your home.
It's that we see how happy you are!!
It's all that you share with us,,,
the storys,, the photos...the experiences,,
it is the new life legacy that is continuing...
oh the precious photos of each of them,,, the King,, Tammy Girl.. Baby Toby.... we cannot get enough...
our heart is so happy for our very tired Maxmom.,,,,, and wete so thankful for Tammy Girl, and her patience,,,,,
we love you
Yes, I DID laugh right out loud looking at the destruction in your garden. I laughed so loud that Scout came into the kitchen to see what was going on. He stayed to get the crust off my cinnamon/raisin toast☺
Miss Tammy is a precious, adorable, tolerant and nurturing sweetheart with Toby. She sure deserves extra cuddles, kisses and treats! The photos of Toby cuddled up close to her are darling.
A lovely fun post.
Please come by our place on LIVESTRONG day (if yoo have time)as Maxdog has a special mention in our post.
Also Mxdog is mentioned in our supporters post here:
We will never forget Maxdog. he taught us so much about love and dignity.
I forgot to mention - how in the world did you get that pup to sit in the middle of two other dogs for a photo! He's such an obedient little man!
What a sweet doggy family you have. I can't get over how quickly he's growing...he looks so self-assured and fits right in.
What a rascal!
I remember the early days of each of my dog's puppyhoods, where I seemed to spend the entire day either playing with them or trying to keep them out of trouble! My husband would arrive home from work and I'd tell him the dogs were now *his* responsibility - I was taking a nap! Of course, I said it with a smile. I wouldn't trade those days for anything.
Toby does look like a barrel of energy and Tammy looks like a natural mentor - a perfect combination.
Enjoy these days of blissful puppyhood for they pass much too fast!
Oh how I remember those days! Kealani loved to eat the corner of the walls!!! And even the stucco on the house outside!! AUGH! She turned out to be a perfect angel as Toby will be!!! Love Valerie
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