MAXMOM here...
Hi there every buddy,
It's Friday and what a week it's been!
Not only has it been my birthday, but this week has also seen the timely listing of MAXDOG on Amazon. In addition it's been the anniversary of Max's death, and also the anniversary of Toby's conception.
(Yes, did you know that Toby was conceived around the time of Max's passing - 2 years ago?
To me, this adds uncanny meaning to his title 'The Sprinkling of Maxdog' )
If you would like to light a candle on Max's memorial site, please click HERE
(Above: MAXDOG)
Also, if you want to discover the true value of your dog, then just become ill for a while..
The faithfulness of my canine companions was clearly evident this week. I am in awe of their patient and loving attentiveness. Whilst I wallowed miserably in my pillows - battling various influenza microbes - my canine companions were ever-present. Even their afternoon walks were postponed...and they didn't moan too much about this either. Instead, they caught up on some doggie-beauty-sleep, occasionally coming to my side of the bed and shoving their wet snouts onto my hot cheeks.
Oh man, I love my animals!
Toby was particularly amusing as he made my bed his resting place too.
Sometimes he'd collect blankets and bring them to me - snorting softly with his pinched up eyes. It is so, so endearing to see.
(Please excuse the fuzziness of the pictures - they were taken on my cellphone)
I don't know what I would do without these beautiful friends of mine.

There have been some wonderful and insightful entries so far. I know I am going to find it difficult to choose a winner so I have decided to divert the judging to a more impartial judge...more about that on Monday, when the winner is announced.
Please enter and join the fun.
I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all my friends for the wonderful birthday wishes, and wishes of empathy, which came my way this week. I so appreciate your care and love.
Thank you!
Finally, as many of you know, 'MAXDOG' is now on
If you have read the book, I would greatly appreciate it if you would consider taking the time to
write up a review of the book.
Apparently, written reviews on the site add weight to the book. I really need all the help I can get to encourage sales and ask that you help me in this quest.
Please would you consider doing this for me?
Wishing you all a wonderful, happy weekend.
And remember to (((hug))) your special pooches.
Sending lotsaluv
"Maxdog" is on Amazon?! Now?! I will need to order it.... ASAP!! You are an amazing writer, Caryl. Seriously. As a writer myself, I can glean from your gift!! You weave together words so beautifully.... ;op
~Raelyn and Rose
Hi MaxMom, we left a candle for Max. We love our guys too. Wishes for continued success.
Hi dear friend, So sorry you had the flu this week; thankful you have your beloved babies to comfort you. You are so right about their love and devotion; I can't believe we've only had Hunter three weeks and I love him so much. I left a review on Amazon-hope it helps. I will tell Avril to go there too and leave one.
Blessings to you and yours this weekend.
Love, Noreen & Hunter
The review is done with pleasure and so well deserved. ope your cold is better.Much love your way... GJ and Carol xx
We will certainly be doing a review of your wonderful book within the next few days.
Also wishing you a wonderful and happy birthday.
ahhh what a cute guys are very special
Benny & Lily
Hope you're not feeling as rotten!
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