Sunday, March 20, 2011


MAXMOM here...

("Koeksisters": A South African Tastebud Tickler)
(Translation:....mmm..."Cake Sisters')


The ‘Boss’ lets out a deep sigh.

It’s been a busy week and he turns his attention to some relaxing retail therapy, in preparation for the long weekend. It’s been raining, so we’ll probably be spending it indoors.

With shopping basket in arm, he trudges along the long isles of enticing treats.
He’s looking for that one item which will illustrate his appreciation for his family.
There is a vast selection to choose from, and is difficult:
Strawberry filled biscuits, nutty-coconut morsels, apple Danishes, custard-filled doughnuts, simple rusks?

He settles for an old favourite –
 – a South African, tastebud tickler of calorific proportions.

"Koeksisters" - syrup-coated plaits of dough.

He buys a whole packet of them – fifteen in all.
They’re beautifully arranged and he’s already salivating.

When he gets home, we help him unpack the groceries. The Koeksisters glare at me.

“What’s this?” I ask accusingly. We’re supposed to be on Diet.

“They’re for you!” he declares.
I think it’s a feeble excuse because I know how much he enjoys them too.

“Okay, put them on the counter... and no touching!” I tease.
But I too am salivating.
They look yummy.

“Want some coffee?” I finally ask, unable to resist the thought of a mouthfull of their sweet syrup. I already know his answer.

Monday is a public holiday, so it’s a three-day weekend. I decide to ration the koeksisters. There are three of us, so that means one each, per day, with a few to spare. It should see us through.

They’re delicious! We each silently nibble on one as we drink our coffee. It’s hard not to reach for another.

Later, towards evening, we decide to go out. We choose a popular Italian restaurant. It’s a chance to catch up on all our news and to spend some quality time together. They have a dance floor, so we take a little more care with the choice of our outfits. I’m excited about it – it’ll be a nice opportunity to shed our stresses, and start off our weekend.

But it’s been raining, so the dogs haven’t had their walk today. They are hyped-up with energy, but there’s no time now. Our decision to go out for the evening has been spontaneous and we need to rush to get ready. I’ll have to walk them tomorrow. For the moment, they’ll have to stay in the kitchen. I put their beds in the corner and check the water. They should be fine.
Three pairs of confused eyes stare at me as I close the door.

Later, after an amazing evening, my mind turns back to our canine pack in the kitchen. We’ve been out longer than expected. Finally home, we climb out of the car. I can hear the pooches barking already – our return never goes unnoticed. I’m the first to open the front door – I need to find out if they are okay.

It’s a site that astonishes – they’re had a party!
The floor is strewn with remnants of the packet that once held
our precious Koeksisters!
They’ve finished the lot!
Not even one is left!

Toby stares at me – innocently.

Our young Hooligan has been in action again. His long frame obviously managed to stretch up, onto the counter, to retrieve the precious packet and its contents

He doesn’t sit for long, and darts out of the kitchen, barking frantically and whipping his partners into a frenzy of delight. They charge down the passage. Their welcome is overboard this time. They are a blur of uninhibited energy. It’s a sugar rush like we’ve never seen before! We’re in for another long night.

“No! Not again, Toby” I cry.

Will the "Boss" go back to the shops?
I wonder.


By the way....

There is a sweet, new blogger on the block!
If you have a chance, please go and visit her...

Sending lotsaluv


Amber-Mae said...

Oh WOW that looks sugary & tasty! We have something similar like that here in Malaysia. It's very yummy!

WFT Nobby said...

Hey Toby, well done my friend! I mean. if the humans will go out and think they can have a nice time without us dogs, then I feel we are entitled to party in their absence!
Toodle pip!

Miss Bailey Herself said...

Well, Toby, you have great taste if you'll pardon the pun. You might enjoy this video of the world's guiltiest pooch

And thanks for the compliments re my new blog!

Woofs and slurps, Bailey (and Tyler)

D.K. Wall said...

Toby - we are so proud of your accomplishments. If you keep this up, you could earn your HULA membership - a most rare and distinguished honor. Here is the link to our own distinguished moment - . Think of your mom's pride if your are so honored.

Pepsi the Lazy Bum said...

Well done Toby! Whenever I get into trouble, I always make the hoomans think it's their fault. Like if I pee around, I look at them and say, "Hey you're the one who didn't bring me down for my walk." Always works. ;)


mimi said...

OH this post does my heart good. I was beginning to wonder how you were so blessed to have a perfect, so well behaved Golden :) I was wondering what I was doing wrong :) Just this morning my Mabel found my new pin cushion. I couldn't figure out how sawdust could find it's way all over my floor. Then I saw her. A little red pincushion hanging from her mouth. Thankfully it was brand new and I had not yet added the pins. When I took it from her mouth she looked at me with those big brown eyes as if I was taking away her new favorite toy.
I must say in Toby's defense---I think I would have done the same if you had left me alone with those delicious looking treats :)
Happy Sunday

pam said...

Oh dear poor MaxMom. We fear there are more hooliganisms in your future!

Bobo and Meja (the entirely sweet and innocent SharPei who have never done anything bad ever ever ever!!!)

Olive said...

Oh my goodness.. that looks soooooooooo good!

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

Licks from Olive :)

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Well they dod leave you... MOL you were just having your own party and I bet they were yummy.. Sorry mum but we did laugh. Glad you were able to relax and have a little quality time together. Hope there is another visit to the shops.. Hugs GJ xx

Sheila and Bob said...

Good Grief do those look good, we Googled got a recipe and Sheila says she wants to try it.
We can see why your gang wanted to steal them, they obviously have good taste.
Thanks for the new Blog tip we will be following.

Sheila & Bob

sprinkles said...

Those Koeksisters look sooooo good!

That's one nice thing about having small dogs -- there's no way they could reach my cupboards if I set something up there.

I used to have a cat and although I never allowed him to jump up on the cabinets, I know he'd get up there when I was gone and help himself to whatever he found.

Happy Spring!

Asta said...

Pawty on a wainy night wif delicious sugawy tweats , whaat could be bettew!!!! and you saved the hoomans fwom the calowies , plus they got to go eating and dancing. I say that's a gweat way to stawt a long weekend!
smoochie kisses

rottrover said...

Totally THEIR fault, Toby!! Hope you didn't make yourself sick, though. I ate 3 dozen sugar cookies a few weeks ago and was VERY sick. I cost my mom many green papers. I don't know what color papers you have in South Africa, but I hope they stay in your mom's wallet!! Those treats look delish, though!!


Two French Bulldogs said...

WOW, wish my sissy was a cake
Benny & Lily

Dandy Duke said...

Those koeksisters look like our glazed donuts. Our mom can't ever say no to a donut, no matter how hard she tries! Us either!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sally Ann and Andy said...

I think your most handsome. I'm Sally Ann, and my little brother is Andy. I think your a very nice doggie.
Sally Ann

the booker man said...

holy cats! those koeksisters look totally amazingly super duper delish!
way to go, toby! you are a lucky ducky to have gotten a hold of those. besides, you were bein' really thoughtful to help out your mama and daddy with their diet. heehee. my big sis asa is a counter surfer, too, by the way. :D

the booker man

Kari said...

Oh, dear Toby! Very confusing in your household!!
The beans don't want to eat the delicious koesksisters because they are all on diets. Then you go and try to look out for their best interests and offer it up and eat the calorie laden pastries yourself to save the them from spoiling their diets. And then they have the sheer nerve to be upset with you ? Poor babies. It's just so confusing being a doggie or kitty, isn't it? Our mum has just made some lovely custard. Do stop by!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Oh Toby! It's a good job yoo are such an adorable boy! Tee hee!

Zona said...

Oh my, that looks DELICIOUS!! So.. umm... about how long would it take me to get to South Africa? Think you could save me a taste? BOL!


Mrs. JP said...

Oh, that sweet hooligan!! Did you even get one?
I hope you enjoyed your night out,,dinner and dancing...sounds like fun. Especially when you come home to your three sugar freaks..LOL

The Life of Riley said...

Hi Toby,

Those Koeksisters looked good to me too. After all your training, you deserved a sweet treat and to see Maxmom's smile as she saw what you had worked out how to do.

Woofs from Riley (and lots of extra barks from Enzo)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Toby
I just know your mom and dad will not be upset with you for long..
After all,, it just shows that your nose works very good.... right?
I know they smelled so good you could not stand it.
I get into trouble sometimes too,,I hope your not in the dog house for long