Wednesday, July 13, 2011


MAXMOM here...
Dear friends,

For a while now, I have really wanted to do something special for my readers, so yesterday, we took a visit to the

This is a real treat for any visitor to our city and I wanted to share it with you all. 
I was armed with my new camera, so this means that today's post is a bumper photographic post. 

Please go and grab a cuppa...
Sit back and relax...

and enjoy your own special visit to one of the joys of our city...


It was a beautiful, sunny, winter's day and the birds were out in full force. 
Above: The Macaws had a lot to say to each other - including fighting over some prized leaves.

Above: The pair of Spoonbills now have a chick.
Above: I fell in love with this sweet couple...:)
Colours abound!


 Above: Pelicans basking in the sun...what a life!
Above: Most visitors purchase small bowls of nectar to feed the Parakeets.
Above: Flamingos trying to escape their attendant.
Above: Marabou Storks - the most 'handsome' of the lot!
The large bulbs under their necks serve as cooling mechanisms.

Above: Lemurs
Above: One of the most venemous snakes in Southern Africa..
The Black Mamba
Above: One of the Meerkats who took on sentinal duty for his family.


Montecasino Bird Gardens offer spectacular open-aired, free-flighted bird displays twice daily.  The birds are trained to perform for a live audience.  Their performances are breathtaking.

Above: A Toucan called 'Pawpaw'
 Above: A Hornbill in full flight
 Above: A Hornbill demonstrates his natural instinct to catch snakes.
(In this case it was a rubber snake)
 South Africa's National Bird...
The Blue Crane

 Above: One of the beautiful Raptors.
 Above: The Marabou Stork takes a walk of honour.
 Above: The children are enthralled.
Above: Even the Black crow has been trained to teach the children how to pick up litter.

Above: The endangered Cape Vulture.

I hope you enjoyed accompanying us to the

A final note:

Many of you are aware that I am busy with Maxdog's book.  I have created a 'Fan Page' for him on Facebook in an attempt to log up support for its publication.  If you would like to keep abreast with this journey and to be one of his supporters, I invite you to visit his fan page.  Please would you click on 'like' when you do visit.  This way, it will really help to canvass sponsorship for the publication
To visit Maxdog's fan page on Facebook, please click

Sending lotsaluv to you all!


verobirdie said...

Thank you so much for the pics. I'd love to visit this garden.

rottrover said...

Beautiful pictures! Hugs to Tammy, Toffee and The Hooligan!!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

Two French Bulldogs said...

You made mom's day since she loves birds and critters
Benny & Lily

Sheila and Bob said...

Beautiful photos, God's creatures certainly are beautiful.
Thank you for sharing.

Sheila & Bob

sprinkles said...

What gorgeous birds! I'd love to visit that place in person sometime.

We have a Birds of Prey center here with all kinds of different birds. No one will ever go with me though so I haven't been.

WFT Nobby said...

Wonderful photos just wonderful.
Toodle pip!
Bertie (who is about to be driven off to his 'prison').

Anonymous said...

Mom says the colors are beautiful! Just breath taking.

Thanks for sharing.

woos, Tessa

Clive said...

We loved all the photos! Murray particularly loves macaws! By coincidence we were in Dublin Zoo today photographing lots of macaws and flamingos too!

take care
Clive and Murray

Duke said...

What beautiful birds! We were surprised to see that the black mamba wasn't black!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Curt Rogers said...

Your photographs are breathtaking. And what an incredible place. I'm adding it to my list of Must-See Spots. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this with us.

Boondocks Love Shack Pack said...

Purty birdies!! We'd have fun chasing them if mom would let us!!

Boondocks and The Love Shack Pack

Gail Wilson said...

That was a wonderful trip thru the bird gardens. You have taken so me amazing photographs. Thank you so much.
Hugs, Gail, Mistaya and Maggie

The Life of Riley said...

Thanks for posting all the photos. It was almost like we were there with you seeing all the wonderful and colourful birds, but if we were Enzo would have been going crazy as the young pup is fascinated by birds at the moment!

Riley (and his mum)

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Now that was a real treat. Thanks so much. My favourite was the flamingos. That's what I like about blogging. I get to see the rest of the world. No worries, and love, Stella, and Carol

Emily the Springer said...

You take such beautiful photos! I have never been there - now I really think I need to make a plan to go.

Love to Toby
Vanessa & Emily

Scout and Freyja said...

Merecats, something about those cutie pies that make me smile☺ Along with you, I got all warm and fussy with the 'sweet couple'. Of course, I'm a romantic at ♥.

You always take us on such great tours. Gotta say, you are doing great with your camera!

Thinking of you and the book. Sent an email today with something I read. I think you'll like it.

Anonymous said...

I have read your blog since about 3 mos before Maxdog passed. I enjoy it immensely. Always like seeing about Toby and the rest of the family but also enjoy all the other things you write about. What a great blog!
Marlene in the USA

Golden Samantha said...

A super duper place! What incredible birds - always thought that such colorful ones really lived in the tropics? Thanks for the gorgeous photos! And we love your Maxdog fan page - what a labor of love! We can't wait to have a copy in our paws and hands!
Sammie, Avalon and Oz
PS - We know Toby would love dock diving too!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Maxmom
We loved visiting all the birds!
They are so gorgeous.
I love all birds, but especially the cranes.
Your photographs are so brillinatly gorgeous

Barb said...

Wonderful photos. I recognise some Australian birds, in particular the cockatoos and colourful Rainbow Lorikeets!

George The Lad said...

Beautiful birds thanks for sharing, good luck with the book, I have just visited the face book page :) paws crossed you get it printed soon
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx