Friday, November 26, 2010


TOBY here...

Hello there every-furry-buddy...

It's Friday and "Maxmom" has decided to give me an ultimatum..

"Toby" she said, "You are getting older now! You must remember, that you have been given a special opportunity! Remember how 'Maxdog' used to play 'Tour Guide' to his cyber-buddies? Well, it's your turn now! You have the opportunity to follow in the great 'Maxdog's footsteps!  I think it is about time that you try and do some 'Tour Guide' stuff!"

Whew! it possible?
Am I capable?
I'm still young!
These are big shoes to fill!

"Well Toby...just give it a try!  What about Fridays? Perhaps you can dedicate one day a week to showing your guests the beauty of your country? 
What do you think, Toby? Do you want to tell your readers about


Okay, I am going to try, Maxmom! But I must see what my readers think first?


What do you think?
Will it work?
Let me give it a try today...please...?



 This morning "Maxmom" got a big smile on her face when she visited Becky's blog:

As you know, my own blog is called
"Living life to the Max"
and Maxmom is always enthralled about the way Becky lives her own life to the 'max'.
Becky is blind, yet she still oozes positivity and wonder at all the blessings she has been given..."Maxmom" is a great admirer!

"Maxmom" left this LONG COMMENT on Becky's blog and I want to share it with you as part of my own



"Hey there Becky...
Thank you for a wonderful video and allowing me to reflect on my senses.

Imagine this:...

You are standing on top of a cliff face in the deep forest of Mphumalanga (North Eastern South Africa) at a place called "God's Window". It has taken you more than 45 minutes to climb up the well trodden pathway and your body is drenched in perspiration. But now you have been rewarded and are standing at the precipice taking in the wonder of God's creation...
The sheer drop at your feet disappears hundreds of meters below you, into a deep valley which is dense with ancient trees and foliage.

As you impulsively stretch out your arms into the tangible breeze, you feel its strength as it courses up along the cliff face towards you. The hair on your head also rises to meet it and you can feel its icy tingle as it makes contact with the sweat droplets on your arms.

The temperature of the breeze is in direct contrast to the sweltering heat which pours down on you as you stand overlooking the vast African landscape below you.
This is just 'one' of the experiences of the awe of creation and the magnificence of that particular corner of the world. It is complemented by the cries of eagles above your head as they too play in the thermals.
The soft 'thud' of footsteps of many tourists behind you reminds you how high you have climbed because they too are busy attempting the climb up to the top of the cliff face to enjoy its wonder.

The earthy smell of decaying roots of trees which are thousands of years old permeates your nostrils.

There are sunbirds all around you - busy foraging for the sweet nectar of aloe plants which have survived between the rocks.
...and of course...the view! You can see for miles into the distance! Ahead of you lies the great Kruger National Park - a home to thousands of wild animals and the "BIG FIVE"!'s sheer size is bigger than Switzerland.
Oh the beauty around us should be applauded! You are right, we just have to stop and grant ourselves the opportunity to experience it!
Happy Thanksgiving, Becky!

I hope I've uplifted you too of "Maxmom's" childhood dreams was to be able to share the wonders of my country (verbally) with someone who cannot see.
Perhaps I, TOBY THE TOUR GUIDE can help her fulfill this dream... 

What do you think?

Wishing all my readers a wonderful, thankful weekend. Perhaps we can all take a moment to reflect on the little things in life which bring us such joy...

Sending lotsalicks


Anonymous said...

Hey Toby - glad you started your tour-guiding at my favourite place in South Africa. Keep it up my boy! (See you on Sunday) LOL Margie and the Great Danes!

Angus said...

Can you get to the beach at Plett soon to remind us sun starved northeners of what life's all about ?

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Toby, I know the task felt daunting at first, but you did a wonderful job as tour-guide! Amazing and beautiful pictures that have given me a little glimpse into the place you call home!

Piappies World said...

Hey there Toby!

We really enjoyed your first tour! Good job. The sunrise photo is so beautiful. You are in a very beautiful country and we are sure that you will have lots of great adventures to go to and we look forward to joining each and every tour.

Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

Becky Andrews said...

Toby- you got the job! You are amazing and adorable! Thank you so much. I am excited to visit your beautiful country through you! Much love and thanks from Becky & Cricket

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khwite the pawesome job Toby!

Thanks fur sharing!


Dexter said...

Toby! You are a super tour guide. I bet Maxdog is helping you from over the bridge.


Emma Rose said...

Great job Toby! Those were awesome pictures, but when the Duchess saw them she almost fainted. (She's afraid of heights).
I bet Maxdog is really proud of you.

Emma Rose

WFT Nobby said...

Hey Toby
You did great! It was Max's tour guide posts that first drew us into his blog, and we have absolutely no doubt that you (with a little help from Mom) will prove a worthy successor. You live in such a beautiful country.
Gail and Bertie.

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Toby, you make a wonderful tour guide! The pictures are beautiful. We will be looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful country! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Anonymous said...

Toby you are certainly one of the best tour guides I've ever had!! Thanks for sharing. God's Window is! I am in awe!!

Paige & Simba

WFT Nobby said...

Re your comment on my blog.


Gail Wilson said...

Oh Toby, what a wonderful post! M.O.M. has been wondering about South Africa and would be so excited for you to be her tour guide! The post today brought tears to her eyes. She said it made her feel like she was right there with your mom. And such amazing pictures of that beautiful place. She says Please give us more!!!
Hugs and wags, Mistaya

Duke said...

You are one heck of a tour guide, Toby! Well done!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Tucker said...

Toby, Buddy, good job! My Mom has family that lives in South Africa and would be very interested to see SA through your eyes. Tucker

Pepsi Bum said...

Wow, Toby! You sure are a great tour guide! Good job!


Suka said...

hey Toby,

That was amazing! You are a pawsome tour guide! I felt I was right there at God's Window, experiencing the joy and beauty of His creation! I could even smell the incredible smells you described. Thank you, Toby! I am sure Becky is also thrilled with her sensory trip. So kind of you to help her "see" the beauty of your country.

Count me in on your next tour!


Sheila and Bob said...

Outstanding job of tour guide. Beautiful vistas, we love seeing your country.
Keep up the good work, you are making Max so very proud.

Hamish & Sophie

Martine said...

Well done, Toby :) You are a very good tour guide and the country you live in is really wonderful.
You are right, we should never forget to be thankful...
Hugs and love from Alsace.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We think you're going to be a fabulous tour guide, Toby!


Two French Bulldogs said...

Thank you for the great tour. You are obviously following in the footpaws of Max
Benny & Lily

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Toby, if this is just your first attempt, we can't imagine how you can improve upon it. You did an awesome job and your Mom's words are simply beautiful. We can't wait for your next tour.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Scout and Freyja said...

You did a beautiful job, sweetie. We think that Maxdog is furry prouds of you as he looks on you from Heaven.

D.K. Wall said...

Terrific Touring Toby!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Dear Toby
I too, know that Maxdog would be so proud of you.
I know what it is like to be afraid,,, so many times I am.
But you were so brave and ,,, well you did more that TRY.
You painted a masterpiece in my memory.
Toby, I closed my eyes and your words transfomed me.
I felt what it was like to have no sight,, but to feel what you were speaking,,, as you painted a picture for me.
I felt the path, and I heard the eagles cry. I felt the droplets fall, and I smelled the sweetness of the wonderous sky.
My heart beat to the rhythm of the anticipation of joy.
As I strethed my arms out reaching for the magesty,, the power over took me,,. and tears fell down my cheeks. You did an awsome job...
thank you Toby, what a gift you have

KB said...

Well, Toby, my husband isn't a blogger but he looked over my shoulder and saw you. He said, "that looks just like Max!". So, I think that you're ready to fill some of Max's roles, like tour guide.

thank you for showing me part of your world. You described it wonderfully with words but the photos were stupendous. The sunrise one really captured my fancy.

You are growing up into a big and wonderful dog Toby. Your most important role is to love Maxmom but you are a great tour guide too!

Martha said...

Toby, you make the most wonderful tour guide - you took us to the most awesome places - thankyou.
Thanks also to your mom for visiting Bailey and leaving good wishes.
She has managed to eat a little today and we are optimistic!
Life is scary though, on that your mom was quite right.
Much love
Martha and Bailey xxx

Anonymous said...

Dear MaxMum,
Wonderful photographs - great idea but why does Toby look so sad? Or has s(he) got a cold? Colds do that to a body but either way I think Toby needs a treat or a comforting, reassuring, hug!
Anne from Dublin 2

Nika + PARKER said...

Toby, you will do a great job and are off to a great start!!!! We love seeing SA.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Dear Toby,

Nice to meet you!! We are friends of Maxdog and we love sharing in the life and adventures of Max before he left for the Rainbow Bridge.

We (mostly our mom) think that you have the cutest fuzzy face and yor round and innocent puppy dog eyes make our mom go weak at the knees (sounds like love, no??).

Indeed, you do have BIG shoes to fill, but we are sure in time, you will do a great job. We think you are off to a great start and cannot wait to learn more about S.Afica from you!!

**hugs to your mommy, Tammy and the King!! **

MySpecialDoggies said...

Hi Toby
You are a GReat tour guide and are more than worthy to fill Maxdog's pawprints.

Your descriptions were beautiful and the images were breath-taking. Thank you for showing your country to all of us. I'd love to visit you some day.

Have a GReat day,
Nadine & Neeli
Angel doggie Apples (1994-2010)