Tuesday, July 26, 2011


MAXMOM here...


Hello there everybody,

Over the last 24 hours a cold front has gripped the eastern part of our country, leaving national highways closed and people stranded.  It's one of the heaviest snowfalls here in South Africa since the 1990's.  Temperatures tonight are likely to fall well  below zero in many parts of the country. We'll all have to wrap up warm.

Here in Johannesburg, the skies are partly cloudy - fluffy puffs of white against a bright blue sky.  Thankfully we're not quite as cold as some places in the country.   But the weather is really strange.  Take a look at the sunrise yesterday...I've never seen a sunrise this colour before:

Somehow these weather conditions always go along with aggravating circumstances.  Our metal workers have been on strike for a number of weeks, leaving filling stations dry and motorists frustrated.  There are gas shortages too, which means that our own heaters in the house stand idle. I took a trip to at least four outlets this morning, but to no avail.  We're in for a cold night.

The good news though, is that my flu has eased.  Hopefully I'll soon be as good as new again.
The dogs are wondering what is happening...no walks?
Just thinking about a walk has Toby on his feet:

Patience, dogs, patience!

That's all my news for the moment, except that our resident weaver bird has read the weather all wrong. He thinks it's nesting season:
Then again, perhaps he's built it for himself.

Since I don't have much news, please can I divert your attention to
a very sweet and fairly new blogger on the block.
A little spaniel called STELLA

She really is a sweety-pie and I know she'd appreciate a few more visitors and followers.
How about going to say hello?

Sending lotsaluv


Angus said...

As always Toffee seems to be taking everything in his stride !

MySpecialDoggies said...

Brrr - looks a bit cold. We've been "enjoying" 37C weather the last few days - but we're not looking to trade for snow and cold.

Nadine & golden Neeli

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Please huddle together and stay warm. I hope the strike lets up and that you can get fuel. I will visit that cutiepie now.. HUgs GJ xx

Berts Blog said...

wow, winter....I worry for all the children and the animals that dont' have protection from the cold and the extreem heat.

We saw a report yesterday of how the animals are being forgotten in our heat and many are dying.

You guys take very good care of each other. Huddle huddle huddle.

Keep each other warm and safe.


Anna the GSD said...

You guys need to come visit us! It's in the 90s!! I guess in a few months we'll be complaining about cold and you guys about hot! CRAZEE!

Stay warm!

Two French Bulldogs said...

No way, maybe it's a dream
Benny & Lily

WFT Nobby said...

Based on my experience of the heating failing during a prolonged cold spell last winter, I recommend woolly hats in bed!
Stay warm.
Cheers, Gail.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We have the solution! We are sending yoo all LOVE to keep yoo warm! xx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We know you aren't set up to deal with such cold temps, but we sure would love a bit of that snow - but it won't be even a possibility for many more months:( Glad to hear you are feeling better, snuggle up with all the furries and stay warm.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I think our weather is all Topsy Turvey... all over the world.
I would send you some of our HEAT if I could.

Valerie Cummings said...

Hi Maxmom!!!!!! I am watching my local news and they are saying the weather in SA is awful!!!! I see the snow and hiways!!!! I hope youre keeping warm today!!! In the states we have swealtering heat!!!! What a difference, its hard to imagine youre so cold :( Give Toby a kiss and Tammy and Toffee!!! We love you!!!! Hugs, Joey and Kealani

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Maxmom, wow that's amazing, you guys have snow, lots of it. But of course you're a little farther south than we are up here in Canada. My dad has a good friend in Toronto, who is from South Africa. She used to travel back each year to visit her mom but unfortunately her mom passed away recently. Thanks for visiting my blog. My mom and dad like us kids alot. We hope that everyone is keeping warm and that you're getting over your flu. Hi to Toby, Tammy and Toffee too.

verobirdie said...

Oh dear! I hope the strikes and bad wrather are soon over!

Anonymous said...

I tell ya what, you send us some of your cold weather and we'll send some of our HOT and then we will ALL have nice weather! BOL If only it were that simple.

Mom and I sure hope that you will all be warm, snuggle together for warmth. Mom says she will keep your family in her prayers. Sure hope the cold and fuel strike is over very soon.

Hugs and woos, Tessa

Anonymous said...

Oh yea, and we are on the way to say hello to Stella!

Woos, Tessa

Dandy Duke said...

Your snow is looking so good to us!
Stay warm, guys!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Maxmom, thanks so much for sending me some new visitors. What a wonderful friend you are. I think a group hug would keep you all warm. Take care. No worries, and love, Stella

♥I am Holly♥ said...

It looks really cold there!! As hot as it is here, I still like hot weather over really cold weather. Our summer seems to be flying by here. We are glad you are feeling better! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Hello Caryl! I'm catching up on your blog after being out of town for several days and am sorry to read that you're were not feeling well--I'm glad you're on the mend! Your weather certainly isn't a help and it looks like you may be in for a 'three dog night' to keep warm! :-) I was thinking about snow just today and wondering how our little boy Todd will react when he sees it for the first time--What did Toby think?

Be well and warm my friend--We're sending lots of love in your direction!

Curt Rogers said...

I'm relieved to hear your flu has eased. It seems like every January, when it's below zero here, Duncan and I get sick at the same time, which necessitates trips outside in the middle of the night to stand in the cold and snow waiting for him to tend to business while I make myself even more sick.

It's so strange to hear about cold weather in Africa, especially during July. I never think of Africa as a cold place, and we Northern Hemishpereans tend to forget that your seasons are the opposite of ours.

Hang in there. I'm sending good thoughts your way for warmer days and resolved conflicts for the people on strike as well as the people who are effected by it.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Brrrr.. looks cold!! Can you send us some of your cold weather and we will send you our sunshine and humidity? It's around 33 degrees celcius here and our mom keeps getting nasty migraines from the heat!!

Stay warm!

Mrs. JP said...

So glad that you are feeling better. Maybe the boss would feel like bundling up for a walk w/ the dogs. Stay Warm!!!!!
Eerie sunrise

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Maxmom
We saw your city on the news this morning! Snow was everywhere,, just like you said! It is beautiful, but so cold.
We hope you are keeping warm!
And were happy to hear you are feeling better.
Can Toby, Toffee and Tammy go out and make a snowman?

Scout and Freyja said...

Stay warm and stay safe. We're going over to say 'hi' to little Stella - momma is a sucker for a spaniel!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We hope you managed to stay warm! And we hope you strikers get back to work soon!

Have a big puppy pile!!!! The best way to stay warm!

Shane Kent Louis said...

In the states we have swealtering heat!!!! What a difference, its hard to imagine youre so cold..Nice blog :)

Dog Fence

KB said...

Stay warm, even if it requires that the whole family, dogs and all, snuggle together. I'm glad that you're feeling better.

Your first photo in the post before this one really caught my attention. It's beautiful.

D.K. Wall said...

Wow, that first picture looks like something we would enjoy, but the flu and no heat is no fun. Take care and stay warm (and send us the snow).

Shane Kent Louis said...

thanks for sharing your post it was really great!

Dog Fence