Thursday, April 26, 2012


Each time I hear of an imminent review of MAXDOG, I hold my breath.  
The butterflies begin to wage their war on my stomach.  It's a tense time.

"Will they like my book?" I worry. 

Quite frankly, one never gets used to it - the potential to be slaughtered in public.  
In this book, I have shared my heart; my very personal journey and have laid it out - open - for criticism by anyone. But it is a cause that I have fervently pursued ; the wish that my story to be available to everyone. This journey is certainly not for the feint-hearted. 

I can't begin to tell you how thrilled I am when I've reached the last word in a review and am able to breath again.  At that point, I can't hold back the tears. I know my prayer has been answered...

"Wherever MAXDOG goes, let it do good!"

Sending lotsaluv and thanks to all my supporters.


WFT Nobby said...

Hi Caryl
Congratulations on another first class review of Maxdog! I'm curious to know how well these favourable reviews translate into sales. Last year a friend of mine, Françoise, proudly emailed me a link to a review in the London Evening Standard (a paper with a huge circulation). It was a very complimentary review of a jazz CD that her musician son had released - the review was titled 'Jazz CD of the week', and was written by a well respected critic. When I later asked Françoise if the review had boosted sales, she said that it had sold an extra 9 or 10 at most. In the UK at least, I suspect it's an uphill battle to get people to part with their cash just now.

Mrs. JP said...

Wow, what a great review. I'd be tense too, knowing someone will be writing about your work. BUT, you must know by now that you have done an exceptional job. MAXDOG appeals to so many different people on different levels.
I'm thankful for all the good (and free) publicity!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I would be holding my breath too!! But it really is doing so much good Caryl and there's still so much more it can do!!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I am SURE it is really a nail biting experience... butt so well worth it to get the word out about your book.

PeeS... do you know that you have the double the trouble Prove not a robot words on your comments?

Angus said...

Said it before and I'll say it again . Brilliant !

Beth said...

Caryl, You did a great job writing this book. It certainly touched my heart! I truly enjoyed reading Maxdog. Good luck as reviews and sales continue!
Hugs, Beth

Dandy Duke said...

What a great review :-)

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Maxmom, you see, there wasn't anything to worry about at all. We're still very proud of you.