Sunday, May 29, 2011


TOBY's MOM here...

What an amazing adventure 'ANNIE' has been!

It was Toby's final performance last night - the 'Gala' performance, held at the UJ Theatre in Johannesburg.

This incredible dog was pretty tired after a very demanding week. Had there been another performance today, we would probably have pulled him. After a gruelling 15 hour technical rehearsal earlier in the week and then participating in 5 performances in 4 days, Toby was exhausted. Despite his fatigue, he pulled off this final Gala performance without a hitch.
It was a display of committed canine talent!

The highlight for both Shannon and me was his 'send-away', all by himself, onto a dimly lit stage, and an audience whose collectively held breath dissolved into a loud whisper of... "Aaaaw.". He did a twirl in the middle of the stage, almost on his hind legs, followed by a loud bark, to delighted audience applause. His little 'improv' fitted in perfectly with the alley scene.

Toby's final stage bow, once again, was a 'leaping bow'. Fantastic!

Shannon and I were also called onto stage with all the other adult teachers - to receive a beautiful bouquet of roses. Toby took another bow. Later we took him to the foyer to meet his 'fans' and for the children to 'shake his paw'. Meeting people always invigorates him - he simply LOVES people!

What a star this beautiful dog of mine is! I am astounded at what this
(only TEN-MONTH-old) Golden pup, has been been able to accomplish in his short life.

Sadly"Annie" is now over - and will have to put in our 'memory' box.
It's Toby's time now, to simply be a dog. 
Time to romp and play with his special 'Aunt Tam' - his 11yr old matriach

Theirs was a joyful and welcome reunion late last night.


Congratulations to the beautiful cast of young people who responded to Toby so affectionately and so respectfully. A special thank you to TINA KRUGER, (our amazing and mindful Director) :  Congratulations on an awesome production!  
Thank you to all the teachers of Hoerskool Randburg involved in this production, for allowing us to be part of your adventure and for your hospitality. 
Thank you to the talented young cast members, who took the time to get to know Toby.  Thank you, too, to the backstage and theatre helpers.  (Especially the young girls who guarded Toby's tail in the wings, and who diligently broke up his treats into tiny portions.  These little gestures were so important - thank you!).  Thank you to SANTI VAN DEN BERG (Our producer) for the hours of painstaking organising and for keeping such a level head under immense pressure.  To the backdrop designers and prop makers and everyone involved in this production...
...a special "Woof" of thanks, from Toby!!!
We are going to miss your companionship immensely.

Finally, and probably most importantly,
Our knowledgable, patient, professional and talented canine instructor from
for giving Toby and me the opportunity of being part of this adventure, and for sticking with us during your difficult moments.  You are amazing and we so appreciate you!

But for now....
we are going to be taking our well-earned rest.

With lotsaluv and lotsalicks



pilgrim said...

FANTASTIC!! WELL DONE!! We are super proud of you and Toby - what a team!

Abigail the Yorkie & clan xx

The Life of Riley said...

Such a wonderful experience for you both. If Toby can do this at ten months just imagine what he is capable of doing in the future! You are going to have fantastic adventures together.


Sheila and Bob said...

Bravo, Bravo, Bravo, though tired Toby must go on and a fine job everyone did.
Congratulations to All.

Sheila & Bob

houndstooth said...

I'm so glad it all went off so well! Congratulations to you and Toby! I'm sure you'll find another challenge to keep you busy after you rest up!

Angus said...

'Toby rocks' . Indeed he does !

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Toby I am so proud to know you and your family you are truly Toby a star.. Congratulations and very well done.. Hugs GJ xx

sprinkles said...

Congrats to both you and Toby.

Scout and Freyja said...

Take your rest and take a walk and have some tea and cookies. Let our little man play with his Aunt Tam and drive his tiny uncle to distraction. Time for sniffing itsy-bitsy hamsters and for being naughty. After all, a dog, especially a puppy, shouldn't be perfect all of the time.

Sending much lo♥ve to all of you and especially to our young man.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Enjoy your break, you both deserve it!! But I have a feeling this may not be the last time Toby takes the stage!

Mrs. JP said...

That picture on the dimly lit stage brought tears to my eyes. I am so very proud of him. I so wish you had a picture of the leaping bow (his signature!) Of course, you can't get everything, I know.
I'm proud of you,,,what a commitment and you deserve a medal!
Enjoy some rest with you pup, Tammy, and The King.
Love from the holler...

Dandy Duke said...

Congratulations, Toby and Maxmom! You should be very, very proud of yourselves! We sure are!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Two French Bulldogs said...

Toby you were absolutley fantastic! we had tears in our eyes reading how well you did
Benny & Lily

Unknown said...


We've been unable to comment at all in the last week due to problems with Blogger but rest assured, we've been folloing your posts avidly and think that Toby is just incredible! Loved your video of the rehearsals - what a star he is and I can't believe he is only 10months!! You must be so proud of him!

Hsin-Yi & Honey the Great Dane

Maggie Mae and Max said...


I KNEW Toby could do it! Well done my furiend!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Piappies World said...

Congratulations, MaxMom and Toby!

You truly are living life to the Max and we are 100% sure Max is smiling over the rainbow bridge as he sees you do your performance.

Each and every one of us is proud of you, Toby! You got so many wonderful things ahead of you. MaxMom you continue to inspire us to keep our bonds with our furry loved ones and help them aim for their dreams too. Thank you!

The photos are lovely. How we wish there were video clips too.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

Becky Andrews said...

Sounds amazing. Glad it was such a hit and so proud of you, Toby.

Lorenza said...

I am sure it was a super duper experience for Toby and for you too!
Kisses and hugs

How Sam Sees It said...

Did you hear us cheering you on from Arizona? How exciting! I was catching my husband up on Toby's progress and he couldn't believe how well behaved and beautiful he looked! If video's are available, we would like to purchase one!

Sam and Monty's Mom, Christine

Shannon McKay said...

Well done to Caryl and Toby - you were both amazing and I'm very very proud of you both. Well done and thank you for your effort, time and dedication, which was what made this a success :-)

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We are so proud of Toby. We knew from the get-go that he is a star! We hope he enjoys a well earned rest now ~ and has lots of play-fun!

Dexter said...

Must be happy sad for it to be over. What a wonderful achievement.


Homer said...

Congratulations to Maxmom and Toby!

Toby, you are such a brilliant and intelligent dog! It must be an incredible experience for you!

Well done, Toby!


PS: Any chance we might get to sneak a peek of your Annie performance?

Jake of Florida said...

Bravo!!! Bravo!! Toby, you made us all proud -- we just wish we could have been there to witness your performance. (Is there any chance it was filmed?)

I know your mom thinks you will retire now and just be a dog -- but we bet that now that acting is in your blood, you may have different ideas!

In the meantime, enjoy your triumph -- both of you -- and bask in all the love that surrounds you!

xxxx Joan and the Barkalots

Kasha The Dainty Great Dane said...

Woo Hoo Toby!! Way to go, you surely worked hard and it paid truely are a super star doggie!!

Now take some time to relax and enjoy being a doggie with Aunt Tam.

AARF Kasha the Dainty Great Dane

WFT Nobby said...

Three cheers for Toby. Hip hip HOORAY!!
(Are we going to get more videos?)
Toodle pip!

FiveSibesMom said...

Congratulations!! Toby, you are just pawsome! A job well done! Take a nice, long rest, then call your agent tomorrow and demand a raise - you want fresh bones every day and a comfy bed in an a/c control trailer for your next acting job! BOL! Seriously, fabulous pics and video! It was so great to share this with you! I bet you'll be getting requests for lots of pawprint autographs!!! Bravo, Toby!

rottrover said...

Brilliant, Toby!! We are furry proud of you!!

-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

D.K. Wall said...

Congratulations on a terrific series of performances. Toby sure did a terrific job.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Toby and Maxmom
we are so proud of both of you.
take a deep breath and relax,,,
you both made it, and we knew you would
we love you

Suka said...

hey Toby and Maxmom,

Bravo! Standing Ovation! Four Paws Up!!

We are so happy for the both of you for achieving such great success! I am sure it is bittersweet to end it all, but the memories will last a lifetime. And who knows, down the road there could be another opportunity to stardom!?

Congratulations again on such an incredible performance!

Enjoy your time just being a pup, Toby, and playing with your Aunt Tam, whom I am sure missed you much!


Amber-Mae said...

YAYYYY TOBY!!!! You have a standing ovation from me & hoomie Melissa! WELL DONE my friend & Maxmom! I bet pictures of you & Annie are going to be splashed all over newspapers. We are very proud of you, Toby!

MySpecialDoggies said...

Bravo Toby! We're applauding here in Philadelphia & Neeli is giving you high five paws!

Nadine & golden Neeli