Wednesday, September 21, 2011

TOURGUIDE TOBY'S "TOP 10" TOURIST ATTRACTIONS... a bumper photographic post!

MAXMOM and TOBY here...
As you know...
we are patriotic SOUTH AFRICANS...VERY patriotic SOUTH AFRICANS!
So, today your TOURGUIDE TOBY thought he'd share his...

if you happen to be embarking on a whirlwind tour to

Here goes...


Many international visitors fly into the business heartland of Johannesburg, South Africa. They land at our world-class Oliver Tambo international airport and usually make their way to one of the beautiful hotels in our city. 

(Some are lucky, and stay at the Maxmom household...but that's another story...)
The first thing a tourist usually says is, "I wanna see a lion!", so their hosts will whisk them off to our LION PARK - on the outskirts of our city.  There, they will get to experience some of our wildlife - within a confined setting of course.
Afterall, this is NOT the African bush (yet). 

Lions are top of the agenda, but the cubs soon become a favourite. 

Yes, you get to pet the cubs too!



Then, it's off to the APARTHEID MUSEUM... become acquainted with our turbulent past, and to appreciate the road we've travelled to build our beautiful nation.


...But the bug to experience the BIG 5 has usually bitten our tourists by this stage, so a trip to our ELEPHANT SANCTUARY is next on the programme. 

 It's an opportunity to get up close personal with these gentle giants and to relish the chance to walk 'hand-in-trunk' with them.



A trip to our coastal city of Durban is next on the cards. 

 ...and a visit to our internationally acclaimed stadium - either to see some sporting events or to try out the bungee jumping -  off the top of our world class MOSES MABHIDA STADIUM

 If the adrenalin is too much, then one can simply admire (or visit) our beautiful coastline of beaches.



Cape Town is next on our programme... 

The harbour is worth a visit, with leisurely drinks at the the many venues along its famous V & A WATERFRONT.  Refreshed, one is led to the cable-way of the city's iconic TABLE MOUNTAIN CABLE CAR. enjoy an incredible African sunset.

#6. MPUMALANGA and sites

Tourists relish our sunsets, so we have to seek out more... 

...but this time, we offer them a sunrise in the spectacular Mpumalanga region of our country. 

 It's not only the sunsets that beckon, but also the waterfalls...

... quaint towns...
 and many wonderous geographical landscapes...

No visit to our country is complete without a visit to our KRUGER NATIONAL PARK - a sanctuary for wild animals - bigger than Switzerland. 

 Here you can experience the BIG FIVE in all their natural glory - Elephant, Lion, Buffalo, Leopard and Rhino. 

BUT....If we're not careful, however, our big 5 will soon become the big 4. The prevalence of Rhino poaching is reaching unprecedented levels and, without serious intervention, we will soon have none left!!

While you are in the Northern part of our country, take a visit to the largest Baobab tree in the world - the Sunland Baobab. 

This spectacular tree is carbon dated to be over 6000 years old and has a 47m circumference. You can quench your thirst by visiting the pub INSIDE THE TREE!!!



Back in Johannesburg, a trip to MONTECASINO and its famous bird park should definitely be considered. 

The picturesque indoor experience of outdoor Italy is quite disconcerting.  If that gets too much for you, you can simply escape to outdoor reality and become better acquainted with thousands of beautiful birds.

#10. ORDER 'MAXDOG'!!!
And finally; last, but not least...

A trip to South Africa, will not be complete without ensuring that you order your personal copy of

... a book, to be released in early December, of a South African Golden Retriever, who touched hearts across the world, through his blog:
"The Adventures of South Africa!"
Ensure you order your copy by emailing Maxmom
For more information about this book,

We certainly hoped you enjoyed your

Sending lotsaluv to our readers.
"Wherever MAXDOG goes, let it do good!"


Anonymous said...

Oh my Toby you are a Pawsome tour guide and take after the Bestest, MaxDog!

Mom is so very happy to see the Elephants, those are her favorite. She just loves them. Me, I think they might think that I am a mouse. BOL

Thanks for the beautiful tour of your pretty city!

woos, Tessa

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Toby, thanks for all the photos. You have beautiful places to visit in Sth Africa. Mum says she might not be able to go in the cable car, some crazy things about heights she has. Of course it wouldn't be the same unless you were our tour guide. Thanks for sharing. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

The Life of Riley said...

Hi Toby,

Thanks for your tour and showing us your country. Mum would love to pet one of those lion cubs. They are so cute!

It is all talk of South Africa and Namibia today as the RWC clash of the African nations is tonight. The game is at North Harbour stadium (purposely picked as many South Africans live nearby on the North Shore of Auckland). According to the radio the SA Shop up that way has done double the amount of sales of SA food, flags, etc this week. It should be a great atmoshpere at the game tonight!

Riley (and his mum)

Duke said...

South Africa is just spectacular! It would sure be fun to play with a lion cub!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Two French Bulldogs said...

you have some awesome picks Toby
Benny & Lily

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh Toby
Your such a wonderful tour guide,, I wish I could come over and visit the "wilds"

KB said...

It's funny, Maxmom, but you've been on my mind too. Life has been so hectic that I've fallen out of touch with you. I love your tour. It makes me want to visit S.A., sooner rather than later. Your wildlife and scenery are jaw-droppingly amazing.

I hope that you're doing well, and I'm thrilled to see that your book is out!!!! Congrats!

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Maxmom - wow, I would have never thought I'd see all those animals. You definitely have a beautiful country. I'm going to send a link to this post to a friend who is from South Africa. I think that she'll appreciate some photos from "home". Thanks Maxmom.

Curt Rogers said...


What an amazing place to live! Don't ever take it for granted.

Growing up I lived two and a half hours from Yellowstone National Park, which is a huge tourist destination. We used to go up there all the time, to camp and fish and hike, or even on simple day trips for a long drive. I never really thought much about it until I was in high school and working at a hotel. I talked with tourists from all over the world who would comment on how lucky I was to live so close to Yellowstone. "I guess," I'd shrug. They often claimed that if they lived so close they'd be there all the time. It wasn't true, of course, as we all tend to take our surroundings for granted, but it opened my eyes to the wonders around me. There were people who spent tens of thousands of dollars to travel to my corner of the world to get a glimpse of something I could see whenever I wanted. I was indeed a very fortunate person.

As are you in that spectacular land. Where I live we have bears and cougars and eagles, but you get to see elephants and lions and jaguars and zebras! Remarkable!

I love these kind of posts because not only do I get to experience something new and wonderful, and add another thing to do to my bucket list, but I learn something precious about you, that your eyes are open to the world, that you see the magic there, that your heart takes nothing for granted.

Thank you!
