Saturday, September 4, 2010


MAXMOM here...

Hello there everybody!
We went to visit my little fluffball this morning...
is 6 weeks old now!!!
I can't believe how time has flown since 24th July - the day he was born.  He is emerging from his very small puppy stage to his small puppy stage and is going to be a beautiful adult Golden Retriever one day!

We only have two weeks to go before he comes home forever and I can't wait!

It was so wonderful to be able to spend some time with the pups.  Zena is so generous in allowing us visitation time.  It's been amazing to see him grow and he is quite a "FATTY" at the moment.  We were thinking that we should perhaps call him "Tubby" as opposed to Toby. (Don't worry, only joking!)
He is so, so beautiful!  I just adore cuddling him and love to watch him interact with his siblings. 
 He's still a laidback little thing but does assume control over the bed at night.  He doesn't mind being walked over though, but he is a confident, happy little puppy.
They all got their vaccinations this week and are all very well too.

I have taken so many pictures and will be sharing some of them with you during the week, but for the moment, here's ...


With grateful thanks again to Zena and Alan at
for allowing me to visit Toby and to watch his transformation.
You have been extraodinarily generous with your time and your hospitality.
Get well soon, Zena!!!

Sending lotsaluv to everybody and I do hope that everyone has a happy weekend.
See you soon...


Elizabeth Bergesen said...

Thanks for the 'puppy-fix' this morning! Toby is a cutie!!

Elizabeth & Luna

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...



Scout and Freyja said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scout and Freyja said...

Just realized that Toby was born on my son David's birthday! Uhm, I think his middle name (if only in my head) should be David. Yes, his middle name is David.

He is going to be a spectacular Golden. Wish I could have one of those pups, too. How about you grab one for me, hop a plane to Michigan and deliver him or her in PURRson?☺ I'll put the water on now so it will be ready for some tea and cookies☺

I can see already that he is going to have a profuse coat with loads of fringe and curls. What a handsome little man he will be once fully grown.

Give him a little kiss from me - someone who l♥ves him on the other side of the world.

PeeEss: saw the necklace. You wear it well☺

Kea said...


This human faints from cuteness overload.

Anonymous said...

OMD that PUP is CUTE



woo woos, Tessa

Angus said...

It's been said before and it'll be said again. He's some cutie.

Golden Samantha said...

Ohhhh, he is so cute! They are ALL so adorable! Who can't love a puppy? (golden puppies?) Thanks for the great vid!
Big Hugs xoxoxoox
Sammie and the gang

WFT Nobby said...

Well I think Tubby Toby has a certain ring to it!
Toodle pip!
Bertie (who has, at various times in the last few months, been called Barky Bertie, Bitey Bertie, Batty Bertie, Bossy Bertie and Barmy Bertie as well as, of course, Bouncy Bertie.

Raising Addie said...

Simply precious!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

Mrs. JP said...

I have a question!! Did he get a little more "golden" around the nose and ears this week?
He is quite the little chunky monkey..hahahaha
We send lots of love to you all from the holler...

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a sweetheart Toby is!!! he looks like he is going to be a big boy too. Bet your weekend is just full of smiles after that fun time with the pups.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

houndstooth said...

He sure is cute! I hope he's home in no time!

sprinkles said...

It just amazes me how much he grows from week to week!

I'm so excited for you. He's going to make a wonderful pet!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

We luvs Toby all ready and can't waits fur hims to comes home wif youz!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Lorenza said...

My mom simply can't close her mouth looking at Toby!
He is soooo adorable!
Kisses and hugs

Jacqueline said...

Oh, Caryl, only 2 more weeks=YAY!!...I know beautiful Toby makes your heart sing and his arrival in your home will be a huge gift of love and joy on a daily basis...I can't wait to see him become a part of your family...He is just gorgeous!!

The Life of Riley said...

He's so cute!

Noah said...

Toby is adorable!!

Martine said...

Hello Caryl,
I can't help it, your photos are so nice and full of life that I'd like to cuddle your sweet little Toby myself.
Have a good Sunday.
Best wishes from Alsace/France.

Duke said...

Toby is just too cute. As mom was watching the video she glanced to the right and there was the painting of Max smiling right back at her. We think Max is happy about all of this too.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh my dog...what a little chubbo muffin he is! His tiny little leggies...that big tummy!!

That adorable puppy butt!

Can I babysit???????

I promise I'll support his head and burp him and everything!

Mumsie loved the piano music with your video....

Kisses...two more weeks!

Lacie Girlie

Deborah said...

Toby is very cute! Only two more weeks! Very exciting!!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

The video is beautiful. Toby is adorable (as are his siblings).

Ms. ~K said...

Is there anything sweeter in the world than puppies?
Toby is beautiful!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

That little Toby is getting more adorable by the day.
We cannot wait to hear some of his adventures.
Does he stare into your eyes?
I bet he does.

MySpecialDoggies said...

Oh my gosh - Toby is so full of cuteness and sweetness. I bet these next 2 weeks are going to seem like forever to you! Please give him & the rest of the pups an extra hug from Apples & Neeli!

Nadine Apples & Neeli

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Toby and his sisters and brothers show so much joy! I cannot wait until Toby comes home with you to his furever home! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Clive said...

We love seeing the photos of Toby so much and the video is great too!

He is one gorgerous puppy!

take care
Clive and Murray

Scout and Freyja said...

Just came by to see the little dude again. My gosh, if I had a fuzzy, pudgy guy like that in my house I'd be hugging and kissing him ALL the time. I don't think his paws would hit the ground!