Sunday, April 28, 2013


MAXMOM here...

We continue our exciting adventure into the African bush:


Sunday 21st April - evening game-drive

It’s 3pm and the game drive vehicle is waiting in the driveway.  It’s an open-top 10-seater, but ‘The Boss’ and I are the only guests. “Floris”, our ranger, smiles.  Choose a seat,” he says. “Any seat.” We’ve been on game drives before, so the Boss and I go conservative and choose the seat just behind the driver – this way our legs will be shielded from the evening chill and we can pepper Floris with questions.  

We climb onto the vehicle and make ourselves comfortable.
Above: Tracker and guide: "Bennet"

Our tracker this evening is “Bennet” – a well experienced man who has lived in the area all his life.  He knows the bush like the back of his hand. His job is to sit on the seat in the front of the vehicle, read the tracks on the road, the signs in the bush and communicate them to our ranger who will, in turn, be communicating with other vehicles on the reserve.  This way our chances of finding game are increased.  This is the beauty of 'Private game viewing'.  "The Boss" and I put on our sunglasses and hold onto our cameras. Floris starts the engine.

The bush at TANGALA is beautiful – thick and lush – an Eden for animals.  But the denseness of the thicket makes it difficult to spot game.  I focus on the millions of grass shapes which decorate the landscape.  The thatch grass, in particular, shines honey-gold in the late afternoon sunlight. What a wonder!
Many people wonder about the dangers of open-backed, game-drive vehicles.  The truth is that the animals perceive the vehicle as part of their world – un-threatening too.  It’s the silhouette of the vehicle that is important; any change in the silhouette will make animals suspicious, frightened or aggressive.  In other words, the rule is ‘to be seated at all times’ and to not allow any part of the body to disturb the vehicle's silhouette. The Boss and I settle back to enjoy the wind in our hair, the clean air and the ambience of the bush.

Our first sightings include Impala and wildebeest.  Vervet monkeys watch us from branches and warthogs embark on a hasty retreat when we pass.  We stop to watch three beautiful giraffes – their profiles magnificent against the blue sky.
Floris and Bennet have told us that they will be on the look-out for lion this evening. Bennet’s eyes are constantly focused on the signs in the bush and on the road, and he directs Floris accordingly.  Occasionally we stop for Bennet to get off and study the tracks…

The presence of lion tracks tell us that we are on course for a sighting.

Then again, nothing is guaranteed in the bush.

I ask Floris to stop for a strange looking plant in a tree.  He tells me that it is a ‘Leopard orchid’ 

  - and it seems that a Genet (cat) has made its home in it.  Unfortunately no sign of the cat.

It's not long before we come across a lone Buffalo.  

This old man has exited his herd – to enjoy his time ‘out at pasture’.  A solitary life in the bush makes an animal extremely vulnerable to predators.  But years of experience - learning the tricks of avoidance - is exactly why this buffalo has been allowed to grow old.  Not many predators will risk taking him on.
He has found a mud puddle and has settled for an afternoon ‘spa’ routine. We watch him as he chews his cud happily.  It’s hard to believe that this guy is one of Africa’s most dangerous animals. 
Suddenly the radio is abuzz with activity – elephants have been spotted!  We make our way to the sighting.
Apparently this elephant bull is called ‘Norman’ – because his tusks are skew and he reminds the rangers of one of their bosses.  We share in their mirth and laugh heartily. 
Norman hears us and decides to get up close and personal. My heart stops for a moment as I take in his size.  He's HUGE and we are so close...

He seems to reassure himself and moves on...Whew!

We spend a long time watching Norman as the sun gradually lowers to the horizon.  It’s nearing sunset and Floris decides to find a place for us to climb off the vehicle and enjoy our sundowners.

As the sun sets in the east, there is plenty of mumbling amongst us about the elusive lion - no sign of them yet!  

After enjoying a glass of Amarula on ice, as well as various ‘nibbles’, we climb back onto the vehicle and resume our search.  Some lions have finally been spotted and Floris accelerates in the direction of the sighting.  
But it’s getting darker and darker.  Finally we see something, but it's fleeting...

It's a lioness and her cubs who soon disappear into the night.  Luckily I managed to capture a blurry silhouette of them against the lights of another vehicle.  Even a quick sighting like that is enough to remind us that this is the bush – wild and wonderful, with a surprise around every corner. 
“Tomorrow we’ll find them...and you'll get to see them better,”
Floris promises.  We don’t mind – we’re just so happy to be in this special place.

Back at the lodge, we are greeted by a candle-lit wonderland.  

The absence of electricity is compensated by the beautifully arranged paraffin candles along all the footpaths at the lodge.  It's very pretty indeed.  After a glass of sherry and a warm hand towel, we make our way to our room to await the drum-beat which will indicate that it’s supper-time.

Tonight we’ll sit by the log-fire, share stories and simply enjoy the stars.
What will tomorrow bring?
 We’ll just have to wait and see. 
Please join me in the next blog post to uncover yet another exciting adventure in the African bush.

Many thanks again to the management and staff of
for your gracious hospitality.

Sending lotsaluv to all my readers.


Duke said...

We are not sure that we'd want to be that close to that HUGE elephant, Maxmom!

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly

Millie and Walter said...

Thanks for sharing your safari especially since I will never have the opportunity to go on one myself.


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Gorgeous photos! And all the memories your making!!! How cool!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh my word mom is jealous!!! Gorgeous
Benny & Lily

Furry Bottoms said...

*choke* that elephant in the first picture is most definitely the "Male-est" of males. Whoa.

Great pictures!

Mrs. JP said...

Oh this has been so much fun! That elephant was so close and then you did get to see the Lioness and her cubs and what a shot,,even a blurry one is a shot!!! The place you stayed is a sanctuary for the senses--if it weren't for my snake phobia I would sign up in a minute..haha But I saw that photo you posted!yikes.
I love the candle light walk way,,and drum sound for dinner call..will there be more? what a treat. thank you

Emily and Laura said...

What a stunning place. Thank you SO much for sharing it with those of us who probably will never make it there in person. I can almost hear the sounds and smell the fragrance of the bush, your posts are so evocative! I can't wait for the next update. And what a truly brilliant way to celebrate your anniversary -- congratulations on 30 wonderful years together!

Unknown said...

I like the up-close shot of the elephant. It really is nice that you can get that close without making the animals panic. I guess they’re quite used to all the people around them, with all the tours and the staff caring for them.

Jordan Hood